Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Spring Learning

Spring DI(Dpendency Ingestion)

Spring IOC(Inversion of control)

Spring AOP-Aspect of oriented programming

Spring Autowiring

Spring JDBC

Spring ORM  ->object relational mapping

Spring MVC

Spring Boot


Spring Singleton:

Spring Prototype:

Spring Inheritance (parent):

Spring Lazy Init(Constructor):



ref-> it is refered to another pojo class

ref keyword is used for dependency ingestion-->the alternative is autowiring(it
is invoked automatically)

Auto wiring:(Implicit dependency ingestion)

By Name
By Type
By Constructor
auto detect

Aspects oriented programming(AOP)
before. after,around,throws


DispatcherServelet(web.xml) Front Controller ---HandlerMapping(spring config file) ---Controller extends AbstractController(ModelAndView) ---Internal View Resolver ---Index.jsp ---Request Mappings(2) ---view(jsp)

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