Sunday, March 17, 2019

Examples of different types of functions in scala


1. How to define and use a function which has no parameters and has a return type
scala> def favoriteDonut(): String = {
     |   "Glazed Donut"
     | }
favoriteDonut: ()String

scala> val myFavoriteDonut = favoriteDonut()
myFavoriteDonut: String = Glazed Donut

scala> println(s"My favorite donut is $myFavoriteDonut")
My favorite donut is Glazed Donut

2. How to define and use a function with no parenthesis

scala> def leastFavoriteDonut = "Plain Donut"
leastFavoriteDonut: String

scala> println(s"My least favorite donut is $leastFavoriteDonut")
My least favorite donut is Plain Donut

3. How to define and use a function with no return type
def printDonutSalesReport(): Unit = {
  // lookup sales data in database and create some report
  println("Printing donut sales report... done!")

1. How to define function with parameters
scala> def calculateDonutCost(donutName: String, quantity: Int): Double = {
     |   println(s"Calculating cost for $donutName, quantity = $quantity")
     |   // make some calculations ...
     |   2.50 * quantity
     | }
calculateDonutCost: (donutName: String, quantity: Int)Double

scala> val totalCost = calculateDonutCost("Glazed Donut", 5)
Calculating cost for Glazed Donut, quantity = 5
totalCost: Double = 12.5

scala> println(s"Total cost of donuts = $totalCost")
Total cost of donuts = 12.5

3. How to add default values to function parameters
scala> def calculateDonutCost2(donutName: String, quantity: Int, couponCode: String = "NO CODE"): Double = {
     |   println(s"Calculating cost for $donutName, quantity = $quantity, couponCode = $couponCode")
     | // make some calculations ...
     | 2.50 * quantity
     | }
calculateDonutCost2: (donutName: String, quantity: Int, couponCode: String)Double

scala> val totalCostWithDiscount = calculateDonutCost2("Glazed Donut", 4, "COUPON_12345")
Calculating cost for Glazed Donut, quantity = 4, couponCode = COUPON_12345
totalCostWithDiscount: Double = 10.0

scala> val totalCostWithDiscount = calculateDonutCost2("Glazed Donut", 4)
Calculating cost for Glazed Donut, quantity = 4, couponCode = NO CODE
totalCostWithDiscount: Double = 10.0

How to define an Option in a function parameter
scala> def calculateDonutCost(donutName: String, quantity: Int, couponCode: Option[String]): Double = {
     |   println(s"Calculating cost for $donutName, quantity = $quantity")
     |   couponCode match {
     |     case Some(coupon) =>
     |     val discount = 0.1 // Let's simulate a 10% discount
     |     val totalCost = 2.50 * quantity * (1 - discount)
     |     totalCost
     |     case None => 2.50 * quantity
     |   }
     | }
calculateDonutCost: (donutName: String, quantity: Int, couponCode: Option[String])Double
scala> println(s"""Total cost = ${calculateDonutCost("Glazed Donut", 5, None)}""")
Calculating cost for Glazed Donut, quantity = 5
Total cost = 12.5

How to assign a default value to an Option parameter
scala> def calculateDonutCostWithDefaultOptionValue(donutName: String, quantity: Int, couponCode: Option[String] = None): Double = {
     |   println(s"Calculating cost for $donutName, quantity = $quantity")
     |   couponCode match{
     |     case Some(coupon) =>
     |       val discount = 0.1 // Let's simulate a 10% discount
     |       val totalCost = 2.50 * quantity * (1 - discount)
     |       totalCost
     |     case _ => 2.50 * quantity
     |   }
     | }
calculateDonutCostWithDefaultOptionValue: (donutName: String, quantity: Int, couponCode: Option[String])Double

scala> println(s"""Total cost = ${calculateDonutCostWithDefaultOptionValue("Glazed Donut", 5)}""")
Calculating cost for Glazed Donut, quantity = 5
Total cost = 12.5

scala> println(s"""Total cost with discount = ${calculateDonutCostWithDefaultOptionValue("Glazed Donut", 5, Some("COUPON_1234"))}""")
Calculating cost for Glazed Donut, quantity = 5
Total cost with discount = 11.25

How to use the map function to extract a valid Option value

scala> val favoriteDonut: Option[String] = Some("Glazed Donut")
favoriteDonut: Option[String] = Some(Glazed Donut)

scala> => println(s"Favorite donut = $d"))
Favorite donut = Glazed Donut
res32: Option[Unit] = Some(())

scala> val leastFavoriteDonut: Option[String] = None
leastFavoriteDonut: Option[String] = None

scala> => println(s"Least Favorite donut = $d"))
res33: Option[Unit] = None

. How to define a function which returns an Option of type String

scala> def dailyCouponCode(): Option[String] = {
     |   // look up in database if we will provide our customers with a coupon today
     |   val couponFromDb = "COUPON_1234"
     |   Option(couponFromDb).filter(_.nonEmpty)
     | }
dailyCouponCode: ()Option[String]

scala> val todayCoupon: Option[String] = dailyCouponCode()
todayCoupon: Option[String] = Some(COUPON_1234)

scala> println(s"Today's coupon code = ${todayCoupon.getOrElse("No Coupon's Today")}")
Today's coupon code = COUPON_1234

 How to call a function with Option return type using pattern matching

 scala> dailyCouponCode() match {
     |   case Some(couponCode) => println(s"Today's coupon code = $couponCode")
     |   case None => println(s"Sorry there is no coupon code today!")
     | }
Today's coupon code = COUPON_1234

 How to call function with Option return type using map() function
scala> dailyCouponCode().map(couponCode => println(s"Today's coupon code = $couponCode"))
Today's coupon code = COUPON_1234
res62: Option[Unit] = Some(())
Review function calculateDonutCost() function from previous tutorial

scala> def calculateDonutCost(donutName: String, quantity: Int, couponCode: Option[String]): Double = {
     |   println(s"Calculating cost for $donutName, quantity = $quantity")
     |   couponCode match {
     |     case Some(coupon) =>
     |       val discount = 0.1 // Let's simulate a 10% discount
     |       val totalCost = 2.50 * quantity * (1 - discount)
     |       totalCost
     |     case None => 2.50 * quantity
     |   }
     | }
calculateDonutCost: (donutName: String, quantity: Int, couponCode: Option[String])Double

scala> println(s"""Total cost with daily coupon code = ${calculateDonutCost("Glazed Donut", 5, dailyCouponCode())}""")
Calculating cost for Glazed Donut, quantity = 5
Total cost with daily coupon code = 11.25

scala> val todayCouponUsingFold: String = dailyCouponCode().fold("No Coupon Available")(couponCode => couponCode)
todayCouponUsingFold: String = COUPON_1234

scala> println(s"Today's coupon code = $todayCouponUsingFold")
Today's coupon code = COUPON_1234

How to define a function which has an implicit parameter
cala> def totalCost(donutType: String, quantity: Int)(implicit discount: Double): Double = {
     |   println(s"Calculating the price for $quantity $donutType")
     |   val totalCost = 2.50 * quantity * (1 - discount)
     |   totalCost
     | }
totalCost: (donutType: String, quantity: Int)(implicit discount: Double)Double

scala> implicit val discount: Double = 0.1
discount: Double = 0.1

scala> println(s"All customer will receive a ${discount * 100}% discount")
All customer will receive a 10.0% discount

scala> println(s"""Total cost with discount of 5 Glazed Donuts = ${totalCost("Glazed Donut", 5)}""")
Calculating the price for 5 Glazed Donut
Total cost with discount of 5 Glazed Donuts = 11.25
 How to define a function which takes multiple implicit parameters

 scala> def totalCost2(donutType: String, quantity: Int)(implicit discount: Double, storeName: String): Double = {
     |   println(s"[$storeName] Calculating the price for $quantity $donutType")
     |   val totalCost = 2.50 * quantity * (1 - discount)
     |   totalCost
     | }
totalCost2: (donutType: String, quantity: Int)(implicit discount: Double, implicit storeName: String)Double

scala> implicit val storeName: String = "Tasty Donut Store"
storeName: String = Tasty Donut Store

scala> println(s"""Total cost with discount of 5 Glazed Donuts = ${totalCost2("Glazed Donut", 5)}""")
[Tasty Donut Store] Calculating the price for 5 Glazed Donut
Total cost with discount of 5 Glazed Donuts = 11.25
 How to manually pass-through implicit parameters

 scala> println(s"""Total cost with discount of 5 Glazed Donuts, manually passed-through = ${totalCost2("Glazed Donut", 5)(0.1, "Scala Donut Store")}""")
[Scala Donut Store] Calculating the price for 5 Glazed Donut
Total cost with discount of 5 Glazed Donuts, manually passed-through = 11.25
 How to create a wrapper String class which will extend the String type

 scala> class DonutString(s: String) {
     |   def isFavoriteDonut: Boolean = s == "Glazed Donut"
     | }
defined class DonutString

How to create an implicit function to convert a String to the wrapper String class
scala> object DonutConverstions {
     |   implicit def stringToDonutString(s: String) = new DonutString(s)
     | }
. How to define a function which takes a String parameter

scala> def applyDiscount(couponCode: String) {
     |   println(s"Lookup percentage discount in database for $couponCode")
     | }
applyDiscount: (couponCode: String)Unit

scala> def applyDiscount(percentageDiscount: Double) {
     |   println(s"$percentageDiscount discount will be applied")
     | }
applyDiscount: (percentageDiscount: Double)Unit

scala> applyDiscount("COUPON_1234")
<console>:15: error: type mismatch;
 found   : String("COUPON_1234")
 required: Double
scala> applyDiscount(10)
10.0 discount will be applied

 How to define a generic typed function which will specify the type of its parameter

scala> def applyDiscount[T](discount: T) {
     |   discount match {
     |     case d: String =>
     |       println(s"Lookup percentage discount in database for $d")
     |     case d: Double =>
     |       println(s"$d discount will be applied")
     |     case _ =>
     |       println("Unsupported discount type")
     |   }
     | }
applyDiscount: [T](discount: T)Unit

scala> applyDiscount[String]("COUPON_123")
Lookup percentage discount in database for COUPON_123

scala> applyDiscount[Double](10)
10.0 discount will be applied
Review how to define a generic typed function which will specify the type of its parameter

scala> println(s"Result of applyDiscountWithReturnType with String parameter = ${applyDiscountWithReturnType[String]("COUPON_123")}")
Lookup percentage discount in database for COUPON_123
Result of applyDiscountWithReturnType with String parameter = List(COUPON_123)
scala> println()

scala> println(s"Result of applyDiscountWithReturnType with Double parameter = ${applyDiscountWithReturnType[Double](10.5)}")
10.5 discount will be applied
Result of applyDiscountWithReturnType with Double parameter = List(10.5)

scala> println()

scala> println(s"Result of applyDiscountWithReturnType with Char parameter = ${applyDiscountWithReturnType[Char]('U')}")
Unsupported discount type
Result of applyDiscountWithReturnType with Char parameter = List(U)

How to define function which takes variable number of arguments
scala> def printReport(names: String*) {
     | println(s"""Donut Report = ${names.mkString(" - ")}""")
     | }
printReport: (names: String*)Unit

scala> printReport("Glazed Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Vanilla Donut")
Donut Report = Glazed Donut - Strawberry Donut - Vanilla Donut

scala> printReport("Chocolate Donut")
Donut Report = Chocolate Donut

scala> def printReport(names: String*) {
     | println(s"""Donut Report = ${names.mkString(" - ")}""")
     | }
printReport: (names: String*)Unit

scala> val listDonuts: List[String] = List("Glazed Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Vanilla Donut")
listDonuts: List[String] = List(Glazed Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)

scala> printReport(listDonuts)
<console>:16: error: type mismatch;
 found   : List[String]
 required: String

scala> printReport(listDonuts: _*)
Donut Report = Glazed Donut - Strawberry Donut - Vanilla Donut

How to pass a Sequence to a function with variable number of arguments
scala> val seqDonuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Chocolate Donut", "Plain Donut")
seqDonuts: Seq[String] = List(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut)

scala> printReport(listDonuts)
<console>:16: error: type mismatch;
 found   : List[String]
 required: String
scala> printReport(seqDonuts: _*)
Donut Report = Chocolate Donut - Plain Donut
Functions As Symbols
scala> class DonutCostCalculator {
     | println("hello")
     | }
defined class DonutCostCalculator

scala> val donutCostCalculator = new DonutCostCalculator()
donutCostCalculator: DonutCostCalculator = DonutCostCalculator@370a59d4

1. How to define function with curried parameter groups

scala> def totalCost(donutType: String)(quantity: Int)(discount: Double): Double = {
     |   println(s"Calculating total cost for $quantity $donutType with ${discount * 100}% discount")
     |   val totalCost = 2.50 * quantity
     |   totalCost - (totalCost * discount)
     | }
totalCost: (donutType: String)(quantity: Int)(discount: Double)Double

scala> println(s"Total cost = ${totalCost("Glazed Donut")(10)(0.1)}")
Calculating total cost for 10 Glazed Donut with 10.0% discount
Total cost = 22.5

3. How to create a partially applied function from a function with curried parameter groups
scala> def totalCost(donutType: String)(quantity: Int)(discount: Double): Double = {
     |   println(s"Calculating total cost for $quantity $donutType with ${discount * 100}% discount")
     |   val totalCost = 2.50 * quantity
     |   totalCost - (totalCost * discount)
     | }
totalCost: (donutType: String)(quantity: Int)(discount: Double)Double

scala> println(s"Total cost = ${totalCost("Glazed Donut")(10)(0.1)}")
Calculating total cost for 10 Glazed Donut with 10.0% discount
Total cost = 22.5

scala> val totalCostForGlazedDonuts = totalCost("Glazed Donut") _
totalCostForGlazedDonuts: Int => (Double => Double) = <function1>

scala> println(s"$totalCostForGlazedDonuts")

scala> println(s"\nTotal cost for Glazed Donuts ${totalCostForGlazedDonuts(10)(0.1)}")
Calculating total cost for 10 Glazed Donut with 10.0% discount
Total cost for Glazed Donuts 22.5

scala> def totalCost(donutType: String)(quantity: Int)(discount: Double): Double = {
     |   println(s"Calculating total cost for $quantity $donutType with ${discount * 100}% discount")
     |   val totalCost = 2.50 * quantity
     |   totalCost - (totalCost * discount)
     | }
totalCost: (donutType: String)(quantity: Int)(discount: Double)Double

scala> def totalCostWithDiscountFunctionParameter(donutType: String)(quantity: Int)(f: Double => Double): Double = {
     |   println(s"Calculating total cost for $quantity $donutType")
     |   val totalCost = 2.50 * quantity
     |   f(totalCost)
     | }

totalCostWithDiscountFunctionParameter: (donutType: String)(quantity: Int)(f: Double => Double)Double

scala>  val totalCostOf5Donuts = totalCostWithDiscountFunctionParameter("Glazed Donut")(5){totalCost =>
     |   val discount = 2 // assume you fetch discount from database
     |   totalCost - discount
     | }
Calculating total cost for 5 Glazed Donut
totalCostOf5Donuts: Double = 10.5

scala> println(s"Total cost of 5 Glazed Donuts with anonymous discount function = $totalCostOf5Donuts")
Total cost of 5 Glazed Donuts with anonymous discount function = 10.5
How to define and pass a function to a higher order function

scala> def applyDiscount(totalCost: Double): Double = {
     |   val discount = 2 // assume you fetch discount from database
     |   totalCost - discount
     | }
applyDiscount: (totalCost: Double)Double

scala> println(s"Total cost of 5 Glazed Donuts with discount function = ${totalCostWithDiscountFunctionParameter("Glazed Donut")(5)(applyDiscount(_))}")
Calculating total cost for 5 Glazed Donut
Total cost of 5 Glazed Donuts with discount function = 10.5
How to define a List with Tuple3 elements

scala> val listOrders = List(("Glazed Donut", 5, 2.50), ("Vanilla Donut", 10, 3.50))
listOrders: List[(String, Int, Double)] = List((Glazed Donut,5,2.5), (Vanilla Donut,10,3.5))

scala> def placeOrderWithByNameParameter(orders: List[(String, Int, Double)])(exchangeRate: => Double): Double = {
     |   var totalCost: Double = 0.0
     |   orders.foreach {order =>
     |     val costOfItem = order._2 * order._3 * exchangeRate
     |     println(s"Cost of ${order._2} ${order._1} = £$costOfItem")
     |     totalCost += costOfItem
     |   }
     |   totalCost
     | }
placeOrderWithByNameParameter: (orders: List[(String, Int, Double)])(exchangeRate: => Double)Double

scala> println(s"Total cost of order = £${placeOrderWithByNameParameter(listOrders)(0.2)}")
Cost of 5 Glazed Donut = £2.5
Cost of 10 Vanilla Donut = £7.0
Total cost of order = £9.5

1. How to define a function with a callback parameter
     |   println("Printing report ... started")
     |   // look up some data in database and create a report
     |   println("Printing report ... finished")
     | => callback())
     | }
printReportWithOptionCallback: (sendEmailCallback: Option[() => Unit])Unit

scala> printReportWithOptionCallback()
Printing report ... started
Printing report ... finished

scala> printReportWithOptionCallback(Some(() =>
     |   println("Sending email wrapped in Some() ... finished")
     | ))
Printing report ... started
Printing report ... finished
Sending email wrapped in Some() ... finished

Create Function Using The Val Keyword Instead Of Def
scala> def totalCostWithDiscountFunctionParameter(donutType: String)(quantity: Int)(f: Double => Double): Double = {
     |   println(s"Calculating total cost for $quantity $donutType")
     |   val totalCost = 2.50 * quantity
     |   f(totalCost)
     | }
totalCostWithDiscountFunctionParameter: (donutType: String)(quantity: Int)(f: Double => Double)Double

scala> def applyDiscount(totalCost: Double): Double = {
     |   val discount = 2 // assume you fetch discount from database
     |   totalCost - discount
     | }
applyDiscount: (totalCost: Double)Double
scala> println(s"Total cost of 5 Glazed Donuts with discount def function = ${totalCostWithDiscountFunctionParameter("Glazed Donut")(5)(applyDiscount(_))}")
Calculating total cost for 5 Glazed Donut
Total cost of 5 Glazed Donuts with discount def function = 10.5

scala> val applyDiscountValueFunction = (totalCost: Double) => {
     |   val discount = 2 // assume you fetch discount from database
     |   totalCost - discount
     | }

applyDiscountValueFunction: Double => Double = <function1>

scala> println(s"Total cost of 5 Glazed Donuts with discount val function = ${totalCostWithDiscountFunctionParameter("Glazed Donut")(5)(applyDiscountValueFunction)}")
Calculating total cost for 5 Glazed Donut

Total cost of 5 Glazed Donuts with discount val function = 10.5

scala> val totalCost: Double = 10
totalCost: Double = 10.0

scala> val applyDiscountValFunction = (amount: Double) => {
     |   println("Apply discount function")
     |   val discount = 2 // fetch discount from database
     |   amount - discount
     | }

applyDiscountValFunction: Double => Double = <function1>

scala> println(s"Total cost of 5 donuts with discount = ${applyDiscountValFunction(totalCost)}")
Apply discount function
Total cost of 5 donuts with discount = 8.0

scala> val applyDiscountValFunction = (amount: Double) => {
     |   println("Apply discount function")
     |   val discount = 2 // fetch discount from database
     |   amount - discount
     | }
applyDiscountValFunction: Double => Double = <function1>

scala> println(s"Total cost of 5 donuts with discount = ${applyDiscountValFunction(totalCost)}")
Apply discount function
Total cost of 5 donuts with discount = 8.0

scala> val applyTaxValFunction = (amount: Double) => {
     |   println("Apply tax function")
     |   val tax = 1 // fetch tax from database
     |   amount + tax
     | }
applyTaxValFunction: Double => Double = <function1>
scala> println(s"Total cost of 5 donuts = ${ (applyDiscountValFunction andThen applyTaxValFunction)(totalCost) }")
Apply discount function
Apply tax function
Total cost of 5 donuts = 9.0

scala> val applyDiscountValFunction = (amount: Double) => {
     |   println("Apply discount function")
     |   val discount = 2 // fetch discount from database
     |   amount - discount
     | }
applyDiscountValFunction: Double => Double = <function1>

scala> println(s"Total cost of 5 donuts with discount = ${applyDiscountValFunction(totalCost)}")
Apply discount function
Total cost of 5 donuts with discount = 8.0

scala> val applyTaxValFunction = (amount: Double) => {
     |   println("Apply tax function")
     |   val tax = 1 // fetch tax from database
     |   amount + tax
     | }
applyTaxValFunction: Double => Double = <function1>

scala> println(s"Total cost of 5 donuts = ${ (applyDiscountValFunction compose applyTaxValFunction)(totalCost) }")
Apply tax function
Apply discount function
Total cost of 5 donuts = 9.0

scala> val totalCost: Double = 10
totalCost: Double = 10.0

scala> println(s"Total cost of 5 donuts = ${ (applyDiscountValFunction compose applyTaxValFunction)(totalCost) }")
Apply tax function
Apply discount function
Total cost of 5 donuts = 9.0

scala> val arrayDonuts: Array[String] = Array("Vanilla Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Plain Donut", "Glazed Donut")
arrayDonuts: Array[String] = Array(Vanilla Donut, Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> @annotation.tailrec
     | def search(donutName: String, donuts: Array[String], index: Int): Option[Boolean] = {
     |   if(donuts.length == index) {
     |     None
     |   } else if(donuts(index) == donutName) {
     |     Some(true)
     |   } else {
     |     val nextIndex = index + 1
     |     search(donutName, donuts, nextIndex)
     |   }
     | }

search: (donutName: String, donuts: Array[String], index: Int)Option[Boolean]
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to call a tail recursive function")

Step 3: How to call a tail recursive function

scala> val found = search("Glazed Donut", arrayDonuts, 0)
found: Option[Boolean] = Some(true)

scala> println(s"Find Glazed Donut = $found")
Find Glazed Donut = Some(true)

scala> val notFound = search("Chocolate Donut", arrayDonuts, 0)
notFound: Option[Boolean] = None

scala> println(s"Find Chocolate Donut = $notFound")
Find Chocolate Donut = None
- scala.util.control.TailCalls._
scala> import scala.util.control.TailCalls._
import scala.util.control.TailCalls._

scala> def tailSearch(donutName: String, donuts: Array[String], index: Int): TailRec[Option[Boolean]] = {
     |   if(donuts.length == index) {
     |     done(None) // NOTE: done is imported from scala.util.control.TailCalls._
     |   } else if(donuts(index) == donutName) {
     |     done(Some(true))
     |   } else {
     |     val nextIndex = index + 1
     |     tailcall(tailSearch(donutName, donuts, nextIndex)) // NOTE: tailcall is imported from  scala.util.control.TailCalls._
     |   }
     | }

tailSearch: (donutName: String, donuts: Array[String], index: Int)util.control.TailCalls.TailRec[Option[Boolean]]

scala> val tailFound = tailcall(tailSearch("Glazed Donut", arrayDonuts, 0))
tailFound: util.control.TailCalls.TailRec[Option[Boolean]] = Call(<function0>)

scala> println(s"Find Glazed Donut using TailCall = ${tailFound.result}") // NOTE: our returned
value is wrapped so we need to get it by calling result
Find Glazed Donut using TailCall = Some(true)

scala> val tailNotFound = tailcall(tailSearch("Chocolate Donut", arrayDonuts, 0))
tailNotFound: util.control.TailCalls.TailRec[Option[Boolean]] = Call(<function0>)

scala> println(s"Find Chocolate Donut using TailCall = ${tailNotFound.result}")
Find Chocolate Donut using TailCall = None

scala> val donut = "Glazed Donut"
donut: String = Glazed Donut

scala> val tasteLevel = donut match {
     |   case "Glazed Donut" | "Strawberry Donut" => "Very tasty"
     |   case "Plain Donut" => "Tasty"
     |   case _ => "Tasty"
     | }
tasteLevel: String = Very tasty

scala> println(s"Taste level of $donut = $tasteLevel")
Taste level of Glazed Donut = Very tasty

scala> println("\nStep 2: How to define a Partial Function named isVeryTasty")
Step 2: How to define a Partial Function named isVeryTasty

scala> val isVeryTasty: PartialFunction[String, String] = {
     |   case "Glazed Donut" | "Strawberry Donut" => "Very Tasty"
     | }
isVeryTasty: PartialFunction[String,String] = <function1>

scala> println(s"Calling partial function isVeryTasty = ${isVeryTasty("Glazed Donut")}")
Calling partial function isVeryTasty = Very Tasty

Nested Function:

scala> def checkDonutAvailability(donutName: String): Boolean = {
     |   // retrieve donut list that is currently in stock
     |   val listDonutsFromStock: List[String] = List("Vanilla Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Plain Donut", "Glazed Donut")
     |   val iDonutInStock = (donutName.nonEmpty && donutName.length > 0) && (listDonutsFromStock contains donutName)
     |   iDonutInStock
     | }
checkDonutAvailability: (donutName: String)Boolean
scala> println(s"Calling checkDonutAvailability with Vanilla Donut = ${checkDonutAvailability("Vanilla Donut")}")
Calling checkDonutAvailability with Vanilla Donut = true

scala> def checkDonutAvailabilityWithNestedFunction(donutName: String): Boolean = {
     |   // retrieve donut list that is currently in stock
     |   val listDonutsFromStock = List[String]("Vanilla Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Plain Donut", "Glazed Donut")
     |   // validate the donutName parameter by some business logic
     |   val validate = (name: String) => {
     |     name.nonEmpty && name.length > 0
     |   }
     |   // first run validate and then check if we have a matching donut from our list
     |   val isDonutInStock = validate(donutName) && (listDonutsFromStock contains donutName)
     |   isDonutInStock
     | }

checkDonutAvailabilityWithNestedFunction: (donutName: String)Boolean

scala> println(s"Calling checkDonutAvailabilityWithNestedFunction with Vanilla Don
${checkDonutAvailabilityWithNestedFunction("Vanilla Donut")}")
Calling checkDonutAvailabilityWithNestedFunction with Vanilla Donut = true

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