Saturday, March 9, 2019

Pyspark Spark Submit operations

Pyspark Spark Submit operations
YARN---->distributed computing cluster(Hadoop)
Hadoop(HDFS and YARN)-->master slave architecture

       Master                    Slave
HDFS--->NameNode,SNN            Datanode--->http portno(NN) :9870  RPC portno(NN)-->8020/9000
YARN->Resource Manager          Node Manager--->http portno(RM):8088 RPC portno(RM)--->8032

m1     w1     w2    w3     w4
NN     DN     DN    DN     DN
SNN    NM     NM    NM     NM
metadata b1    b2   b3     b4--------->filex
                               p1    p2   p3     p4                            -->r1=spark.sparkContext.te("")

                              8G    8G   8G     8G
                               4c    4c   4c     4c
Application submission:
spark-submit--->script to submit a spark application to a cluster(irrespective of the cluster,language)
spark application
1 Driver and Executor(s) per application
Executor--->logical unit created out of certain amount of memory and certain number of cores
Driver--->def is same as that of an executor

Executor-->to process /compute a partition
Driver-->to take care of all the executor, it doesnot involve the processing the data

from pyspark import SparkConf,SparkContext
import sys

if __name__=='__main__':
r2=r1.flatMap(lambda x:x.split(' ')).map(lambda x:(x,1)).reduceByKey(lambda x,y:x+y)

spark-submit  "configuration options" programfilepath inputfilepath  outputfilepath
spark-submit   file:///ip1  ip2  

spark 2 sparksession
spark1  sparkContext
spark application can run in local(only one node)/cluster(YARN)
local--only 1 machine
cluster --multiple nodes to configure the master(local/cluster(YARN))
while creating spark driver-->master(local/yarn)
spark-submitt --help

In YARN cluster-->default values of executer and driver--
         Ex/driver-->default memory 1G,default cores 1

App2 -->2G,2c

inorder to allow multiple application to run on a cluster,
The application must be submitted by FAIR scheduler

spark support 2 scheduler-->FIFO/FAIR
FIFO-only 1 app, can run at a time(default mode)
FAIR-->multiple apps

spark-submit  --executer-cores 2 --executer-memory 2G  --conf "spark.
schduler.mode"="FAIR" --driver-cores 2 --driver-memory 2G ip1 ip2

2.where driver will be launched
  Executor always be launched in worker nodes only
  Driver can be launched in worker/out of worker

  if driver has to be launched in a worker node...deploy the app in cluster mode
  if driver out of worker nodes ...deploy the app in client node
 Edge Node(Gateway node)--internal,external network
we submit application from edge node
    if we want to run driver on edge node..deploy in client node(default)
                                        on one of the workers..deploy in cluster mode

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