scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize a String Array with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a String Array with 3 elements
scala> val array1: Array[String] = Array("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
array1: Array[String] = Array(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of array1 = ${array1.mkString(", ")}")
Elements of array1 = Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to access elements at specific index in an Array")
Step 2: How to access elements at specific index in an Array
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${array1(0)}")
Element at index 0 = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 1 = ${array1(1)}")
Element at index 1 = Strawberry Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 2 = ${array1(2)}")
Element at index 2 = Chocolate Donut
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to initialize an Array by specifying it's capacity")
Step 3: How to initialize an Array by specifying it's capacity
scala> val array2: Array[String] = new Array(3)
array2: Array[String] = Array(null, null, null)
scala> array2(0) = "Plain Donut"
scala> array2(1) = "Strawberry Donut"
scala> array2(2) = "Chocolate Donut"
scala> println(s"Elements of array2 = ${array2.mkString(", ")}")
Elements of array2 = Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to create a 2D Array (2 dimension array)")
Step 4: How to create a 2D Array (2 dimension array)
scala> val rows = 2
rows: Int = 2
scala> val columns = 2
columns: Int = 2
scala> val array3: Array[Array[String]] = Array.ofDim[String](rows,columns)
array3: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(null, null), Array(null, null))
scala> array3(0)(0) = "Plain"
scala> array3(0)(1) = "Donut"
scala> array3(1)(0) = "Strawberry"
scala> array3(1)(1) = "Donut"
scala> println(s"Elements of 2 dimensional array = ${array3.deep.toList}")
Elements of 2 dimensional array = List(Array(Plain, Donut), Array(Strawberry, Donut))
Step 5: How to create 3D Array (3 Dimension Array) using Array.ofDim() method
scala> val array4: Array[Array[String]] = Array.ofDim[String](3,3)
array4: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(null, null, null), Array(null, null, null), Array(null, null, null))
scala> println(s"Elements of 3 dimensional array = ${array4.deep.toList}")
Elements of 3 dimensional array = List(Array(null, null, null), Array(null, null, null), Array(null, null, null))
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to create an Array using tabulate function")
Step 6: How to create an Array using tabulate function
scala> val array5: Array[Int] = Array.tabulate(5)(_ + 1)
array5: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
scala> println(s"Array of 5 columns = ${array5.toList}")
Array of 5 columns = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
scala> val row2 = 2
row2: Int = 2
scala> val arrayOfTowRowsAndThreeColumns = Array.tabulate(row2, column3)( (row, column) => row + column )
arrayOfTowRowsAndThreeColumns: Array[Array[Int]] = Array(Array(0, 1, 2), Array(1, 2, 3))
scala> println(s"Array with 2 rows and 3 columns = ${arrayOfTowRowsAndThreeColumns.deep.toString}")
Array with 2 rows and 3 columns = Array(Array(0, 1, 2), Array(1, 2, 3))
Step 8: How to create Array using Range
scala> val rangeArray: Array[Int] = (1 to 10).toArray[Int]
rangeArray: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
scala> println(s"Array using Range from 1 to 10 = ${rangeArray.mkString(", ")}")
Array using Range from 1 to 10 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
scala> println("\nStep 9: How to copy an Array using Array.copy")
Step 9: How to copy an Array using Array.copy
scala> val copyOfRangeArray: Array[Int] = new Array(rangeArray.size)
copyOfRangeArray: Array[Int] = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
scala> Array.copy(rangeArray, 0, copyOfRangeArray, 0, rangeArray.size)
scala> println(s"copy of range array with elements from rangeArray = ${copyOfRangeArray.mkString(", ")}")
copy of range array with elements from rangeArray = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
scala> println("\nStep 10: How to clone an Array")
Step 10: How to clone an Array
scala> val clonedRangeArray = rangeArray.clone
clonedRangeArray: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
scala> clonedRangeArray(0) = 10 // update index 0 to value 10
scala> println(s"clonedRangeArray = ${clonedRangeArray.mkString(", ")}")
clonedRangeArray = 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
scala> println(s"original range array still unchanged = ${rangeArray.mkString(", ")}")
original range array still unchanged = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
scala> println("\nStep 11: How to iterate over an Array using for comprehension")
Step 11: How to iterate over an Array using for comprehension
scala> for(d <- array1){
| println(s"d = $d")
| }
d = Plain Donut
d = Strawberry Donut
d = Chocolate Donut
scala> println("\nStep 12: How to merge two Arrays using Array.concat")
Step 12: How to merge two Arrays using Array.concat
scala> val moreDonutsArray: Array[String] = Array("Vanilla Donut","Glazed Donut")
moreDonutsArray: Array[String] = Array(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> val mergedDonutArray: Array[String] = Array.concat(array1, moreDonutsArray)
mergedDonutArray: Array[String] = Array(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"Merged Array of donuts = ${mergedDonutArray.mkString(", ")}")
Merged Array of donuts = Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut
scala> array
1res49: Array[String] = Array(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 13: How to check if two Arrays are equal")
Step 13: How to check if two Arrays are equal
scala> val arrayToCompare = Array[String]("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
arrayToCompare: Array[String] = Array(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
| println(s"using == ${array1 == moreDonutsArray}") // prints false
using == false
scala> println(s"using == ${array1 == arrayToCompare}") // ALSO prints false ??? what ... be careful
using == false
scala> println(s"using sameElement function = ${array1 sameElements arrayToCompare}") // NOW this works and returns true
using sameElement function = false
scala> println("\nStep 14: How to check if two Arrays are equal using deep function and == ")
Step 14: How to check if two Arrays are equal using deep function and ==
scala> println(s"using deep function = ${array1.deep == arrayToCompare.deep}")
using deep function = false
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize an ArrayBuffer with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize an ArrayBuffer with 3 elements
scala> val arrayBuffer1: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
arrayBuffer1: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayBuffer1 = $arrayBuffer1")
Elements of arrayBuffer1 = ArrayBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to access elements of an ArrayBuffer at specific index")
Step 2: How to access elements of an ArrayBuffer at specific index
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${arrayBuffer1(0)}")
Element at index 0 = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 1 = ${arrayBuffer1(1)}")
Element at index 1 = Strawberry Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 2 = ${arrayBuffer1(2)}")
Element at index 2 = Chocolate Donut
Step 3: How to add elements to an ArrayBuffer using +=
scala> arrayBuffer1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res65: arrayBuffer1.type = ArrayBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayBuffer1 = $arrayBuffer1")
Elements of arrayBuffer1 = ArrayBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> // NOTE: arrayBuffer1 is mutable and hence we were able to
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add elements from a List to an ArrayBuffer using ++=")
Step 4: How to add elements from a List to an ArrayBuffer using ++=
scala> arrayBuffer1 ++= List[String]("Glazed Donut", "Krispy creme")
res68: arrayBuffer1.type = ArrayBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayBuffer1 = $arrayBuffer1")
Elements of arrayBuffer1 = ArrayBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to remove elements from an ArrayBuffer")
Step 5: How to remove elements from an ArrayBuffer
scala> arrayBuffer1 -= "Plain Donut"
res71: arrayBuffer1.type = ArrayBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayBuffer1 = $arrayBuffer1")
Elements of arrayBuffer1 = ArrayBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to remove elements of a List from ArrayBuffer using --=")
Step 6: How to remove elements of a List from ArrayBuffer using --=
scala> arrayBuffer1 --= List[String]("Glazed Donut", "Krispy creme")
res74: arrayBuffer1.type = ArrayBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayBuffer1 = $arrayBuffer1")
Elements of arrayBuffer1 = ArrayBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to initialize an empty ArrayBuffer")
Step 7: How to initialize an empty ArrayBuffer
scala> val emptyArrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer.empty[String]
emptyArrayBuffer: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer()
scala> println(s"Empty array buffer = $emptyArrayBuffer")
Empty array buffer = ArrayBuffer()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayStack
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayStack
scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize ArrayStack with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize ArrayStack with 3 elements
scala> val arrayStack1: ArrayStack[String] = ArrayStack("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Chocolate Donut")
arrayStack1: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayStack[String] = ArrayStack(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayStack1 = $arrayStack1")
Elements of arrayStack1 = ArrayStack(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
Step 2: How to check elements at specific index of an ArrayStack
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${arrayStack1(0)}")
Element at index 0 = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 1 = ${arrayStack1(1)}")
Element at index 1 = Strawberry Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 2 = ${arrayStack1(2)}")
Element at index 2 = Chocolate Donut
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to add elements to an ArrayStack using +=")
Step 3: How to add elements to an ArrayStack using +=
scala> arrayStack1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res86: arrayStack1.type = ArrayStack(Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayStack1 = $arrayStack1")
Elements of arrayStack1 = ArrayStack(Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add elements from a List to an ArrayStack using ++=")
Step 4: How to add elements from a List to an ArrayStack using ++=
scala> arrayStack1 ++= List[String]("Glazed Donut", "Krispy creme")
res89: arrayStack1.type = ArrayStack(Krispy creme, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayStack1 = $arrayStack1")
Elements of arrayStack1 = ArrayStack(Krispy creme, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to take an element from an ArrayStack using pop function")
Step 5: How to take an element from an ArrayStack using pop function
scala> println(s"Pop element from stack = ${arrayStack1.pop}")
Pop element from stack = Krispy crème
scala> println(s"Elements of stack1 = $arrayStack1")
Elements of stack1 = ArrayStack(Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to push one element at the top of the ArrayStack using push function")
Step 6: How to push one element at the top of the ArrayStack using push function
scala> arrayStack1.push("Krispy Creme")
scala> println(s"Elements after push = $arrayStack1")
Elements after push = ArrayStack(Krispy Creme, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to initialize an empty ArrayStack")
Step 7: How to initialize an empty ArrayStack
scala> val emptyArrayStack: ArrayStack[Nothing] = ArrayStack.empty
emptyArrayStack: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayStack[Nothing] = ArrayStack()
scala> println(s"Empty Stack = $emptyArrayStack")
Empty Stack = ArrayStack()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize a ListBuffer with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a ListBuffer with 3 elements
scala> val listBuffer1: ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
listBuffer1: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of listBuffer1 = $listBuffer1")
Elements of listBuffer1 = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to access elements at specific index in a ListBuffer")
Step 2: How to access elements at specific index in a ListBuffer
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${listBuffer1(0)}")
Element at index 0 = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 1 = ${listBuffer1(1)}")
Element at index 1 = Strawberry Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 2 = ${listBuffer1(2)}")
Element at index 2 = Chocolate Donut
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize a ListBuffer with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a ListBuffer with 3 elements
scala> val listBuffer1: ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
listBuffer1: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of listBuffer1 = $listBuffer1")
Elements of listBuffer1 = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to access elements at specific index in a ListBuffer")
Step 2: How to access elements at specific index in a ListBuffer
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${listBuffer1(0)}")
Element at index 0 = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 1 = ${listBuffer1(1)}")
Element at index 1 = Strawberry Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 2 = ${listBuffer1(2)}")
Element at index 2 = Chocolate Donut
Step 3: How to add elements to a ListBuffer using +=
scala> listBuffer1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res106: listBuffer1.type = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of listBuffer1 = $listBuffer1")
Elements of listBuffer1 = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add elements from a List to a ListBuffer using ++=")
Step 4: How to add elements from a List to a ListBuffer using ++=
scala> listBuffer1 ++= List[String]("Glazed Donut", "Krispy creme")
res109: listBuffer1.type = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
scala> println(s"Elements of listBuffer1 = $listBuffer1")
Elements of listBuffer1 = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
Step 5: How to remove elements from a ListBuffer
scala> listBuffer1 -= "Plain Donut"
res112: listBuffer1.type = ListBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
scala> println(s"Elements of listBuffer1 = $listBuffer1")
Elements of listBuffer1 = ListBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to remove elements from a List to a ListBuffer using --=")
Step 6: How to remove elements from a List to a ListBuffer using --=
scala> listBuffer1 --= List[String]("Glazed Donut", "Krispy creme")
res115: listBuffer1.type = ListBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of listBuffer1 = $listBuffer1")
Elements of listBuffer1 = ListBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
Step 7: How to initialize an empty ListBuffer
scala> val emptyListBuffer: ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer.empty[String]
emptyListBuffer: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer()
scala> println(s"Empty list buffer = $emptyListBuffer")
Empty list buffer = ListBuffer()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.Map
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a Map with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a Map with 3 elements
scala> val map1: Map[String, String] = Map(("PD","Plain Donut"),("SD","Strawberry Donut"),("CD","Chocolate Donut"))
map1: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String] = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of map1 = $map1")
Elements of map1 = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
Step 2: How to initialize a Map using key -> value notation
scala> val map2: Map[String, String] = Map("VD"-> "Vanilla Donut", "GD" -> "Glazed Donut")
map2: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String] = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of map2 = $map2")
Elements of map2 = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to access elements of Map by specific key")
Step 3: How to access elements of Map by specific key
scala> println(s"Element by key VD = ${map2("VD")}")
Element by key VD = Vanilla Donut
scala> println(s"Element by key GD = ${map2("GD")}")
Element by key GD = Glazed Donut
Step 4: How to add elements to Map using +=
scala> map1 += ("KD" -> "Krispy Kreme Donut")
res127: map1.type = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Element in map1 = $map1")
Element in map1 = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to add elements from a Map to an existing Map using ++=")
Step 5: How to add elements from a Map to an existing Map using ++=
scala> map1 ++= map2
res130: map1.type = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements in map1 = $map1")
Elements in map1 = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
Step 6: How to remove key and its value from Map using -=
scala> map1 -= "CD"
res133: map1.type = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Map without the key CD and its value = $map1")
Map without the key CD and its value = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to initialize an empty Map")
Step 7: How to initialize an empty Map
scala> val emptyMap: Map[String,String] = Map.empty[String,String]
emptyMap: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String] = Map()
scala> println(s"Empty Map = $emptyMap")
Empty Map = Map()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a HashMap with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a HashMap with 3 elements
scala> val hashMap1: HashMap[String, String] = HashMap(("PD","Plain Donut"),("SD","Strawberry Donut"),("CD","Chocolate Donut"))
hashMap1: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String,String] = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of hashMap1 = $hashMap1")
Elements of hashMap1 = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to initialize HashMap using key -> value notation")
Step 2: How to initialize HashMap using key -> value notation
scala> val hashMap2: HashMap[String, String] = HashMap("VD"-> "Vanilla Donut", "GD" -> "Glazed Donut")
hashMap2: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String,String] = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of hashMap2 = $hashMap2")
Elements of hashMap2 = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to access elements of HashMap by specific key")
Step 3: How to access elements of HashMap by specific key
scala> println(s"Element by key VD = ${hashMap2("VD")}")
Element by key VD = Vanilla Donut
scala> println(s"Element by key GD = ${hashMap2("GD")}")
Element by key GD = Glazed Donut
Step 4: How to add elements to HashMap using +=
scala> hashMap1 += ("KD" -> "Krispy Kreme Donut")
res145: hashMap1.type = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Element in hashMap1 = $hashMap1")
Element in hashMap1 = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
Step 5: How to add elements from a HashMap to an existing HashMap using ++=
scala> hashMap1 ++= hashMap2
res148: hashMap1.type = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements in hashMap1 = $hashMap1")
Elements in hashMap1 = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
Step 7: How to initialize an empty HashMap
scala> val emptyMap: HashMap[String,String] = HashMap.empty[String,String]
emptyMap: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String,String] = Map()
scala> println(s"Empty HashMap = $emptyMap")
Empty HashMap = Map()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ListMap
import scala.collection.mutable.ListMap
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a ListMap with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a ListMap with 3 elements
scala> val listMap1: ListMap[String, String] = ListMap("PD" -> "Plain Donut", "SD" ->"Strawberry Donut", "CD" -> "Chocolate Donut")
listMap1: scala.collection.mutable.ListMap[String,String] = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of listMap1 = $listMap1")
Elements of listMap1 = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to initialize ListMap using key -> value notation")
Step 2: How to initialize ListMap using key -> value notation
scala> val listMap2: ListMap[String, String] = ListMap("VD"-> "Vanilla Donut", "GD" -> "Glazed Donut")
listMap2: scala.collection.mutable.ListMap[String,String] = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of listMap1 = $listMap2")
Elements of listMap1 = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to access elements of ListMap by specific key")
Step 3: How to access elements of ListMap by specific key
scala> println(s"Element by key VD = ${listMap2("VD")}")
Element by key VD = Vanilla Donut
scala> println(s"Element by key GD = ${listMap2("GD")}")
Element by key GD = Glazed Donut
Step 4: How to add elements to ListMap using +
scala> listMap1 += ("KD" -> "Krispy Kreme Donut")
res160: listMap1.type = Map(KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Element of listMap1 = ${listMap1}")
Element of listMap1 = Map(KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to add elements from a ListMap to an existing ListMap using ++=")
Step 5: How to add elements from a ListMap to an existing ListMap using ++=
scala> listMap1 ++= listMap2
res163: listMap1.type = Map(VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"Element of listMap1 = ${listMap1}")
Element of listMap1 = Map(VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to remove key and its value from ListMap using -=")
Step 6: How to remove key and its value from ListMap using -=
scala> listMap1 -= ("CD") of listMap1 = $listMap1")
res166: listMap1.type = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to initialize ListMap using key -> value notation")
scala> println(s"ListMap without the key CD and its value = $listMap1")
ListMap without the key CD and its value = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> val listMap2: ListMap[String, String] = ListMap("VD"-> "Vanilla Donut", "GD" -> "Glazed Donut")
scala> 2: scala.collection.mutable.ListMap[String,String] = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of listMap1 = $listMap2")
Elements of listMap1 = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to access elements of ListMap by specific key")
Step 3: How to access elements of ListMap by specific key
scala> println(s"Element by key VD = ${listMap2("VD")}")
Element by key VD = Vanilla Donut
scala> println(s"Element by key GD = ${listMap2("GD")}")
Element by key GD = Glazed Donut
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to initialize an empty ListMap")
Step 7: How to initialize an empty ListMap
scala> val emptyListMap: ListMap[String, String] = ListMap.empty[String,String]
emptyListMap: scala.collection.mutable.ListMap[String,String] = Map()
scala> println(s"Empty ListMap of type String = $emptyListMap")
Empty ListMap of type String = Map()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a LinkedHashMap with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a LinkedHashMap with 3 elements
scala> val linkedHashMap1: LinkedHashMap[String, String] = LinkedHashMap("PD" -> "Plain Donut", "SD" ->"Strawberry Donut", "CD" -> "Chocolate Donut")
linkedHashMap1: scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap[String,String] = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of linkedHashMap1 = $linkedHashMap1")
Elements of linkedHashMap1 = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to initialize a LinkedHashMap using key -> value notation")
Step 2: How to initialize a LinkedHashMap using key -> value notation
scala> val linkedHashMap2: LinkedHashMap[String, String] = LinkedHashMap("VD"-> "Vanilla Donut", "GD" -> "Glazed Donut")
linkedHashMap2: scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap[String,String] = Map(VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"LinkedHashMap1 = $linkedHashMap2")
LinkedHashMap1 = Map(VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to access elements of LinkedHashMap by specific key")
Step 3: How to access elements of LinkedHashMap by specific key
scala> println(s"Element by key VD = ${linkedHashMap2("VD")}")
Element by key VD = Vanilla Donut
scala> println(s"Element by key GD = ${linkedHashMap2("GD")}")
Element by key GD = Glazed Donut
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add elements to LinkedHashMap using +=")
Step 4: How to add elements to LinkedHashMap using +=
scala> linkedHashMap1 += ("KD" -> "Krispy Kreme Donut")
res179: linkedHashMap1.type = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of linkedHashMap1 = ${linkedHashMap1}")
Elements of linkedHashMap1 = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut)
Step 5: How to add elements from a LinkedHashMap to an existing LinkedHashMap using ++=
scala> linkedHashMap1 ++= linkedHashMap2
res182: linkedHashMap1.type = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of linkedHashMap1 = ${linkedHashMap1}")
Elements of linkedHashMap1 = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to remove key and its value from LinkedHashMap using -=")
Step 6: How to remove key and its value from LinkedHashMap using -=
scala> linkedHashMap1 -= ("CD")
res185: linkedHashMap1.type = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"LinkedHashMap without the key CD and its value = $linkedHashMap1")
LinkedHashMap without the key CD and its value = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to initialize an empty LinkedHashMap")
Step 7: How to initialize an empty LinkedHashMap
scala> val emptyLinkedHashMap: LinkedHashMap[String, String] = LinkedHashMap.empty[String,String]
emptyLinkedHashMap: scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap[String,String] = Map()
scala> println(s"Empty LinkedHashMap of type String = $emptyLinkedHashMap")
Empty LinkedHashMap of type String = Map()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a Queue with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a Queue with 3 elements
scala> val queue1: Queue[String] = Queue("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Chocolate Donut")
queue1: scala.collection.mutable.Queue[String] = Queue(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of queue1 = $queue1")
Elements of queue1 = Queue(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to access elements of Queue at specific index")
Step 2: How to access elements of Queue at specific index
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${queue1(0)}")
Element at index 0 = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${queue1(1)}")
Element at index 0 = Strawberry Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${queue1(2)}")
Element at index 0 = Chocolate Donut
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to add elements to Queue using +=")
Step 3: How to add elements to Queue using +=
scala> queue1 += "Glazed Donut"
res196: queue1.type = Queue(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of queue1 = $queue1")
Elements of queue1 = Queue(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add elements to Queue using enqueue")
Step 4: How to add elements to Queue using enqueue
scala> queue1.enqueue("Vanilla Donut")
scala> println(s"Enqueue element Vanilla Donut onto queue1 = $queue1")
Enqueue element Vanilla Donut onto queue1 = Queue(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to take the first element or head from the Queue")
Step 5: How to take the first element or head from the Queue
scala> val dequeuedElement: String = queue1.dequeue
dequeuedElement: String = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Dequeued element = $dequeuedElement")
Dequeued element = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Elements of queue1 after dequeue = $queue1")
Elements of queue1 after dequeue = Queue(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to initialize an empty Queue")
Step 6: How to initialize an empty Queue
scala> val emptyQueue: Queue[String] = Queue.empty[String]
emptyQueue: scala.collection.mutable.Queue[String] = Queue()
scala> println(s"Empty Queue = $emptyQueue")
Empty Queue = Queue()
scala> case class Donut(name: String, price: Double)
defined class Donut
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to declare a function which defines the ordering of a PriorityQueue of Donut objects")
Step 2: How to declare a function which defines the ordering of a PriorityQueue of Donut objects
scala> def donutOrder(d: Donut) = d.price
donutOrder: (d: Donut)Double
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to initialize a PriorityQueue of Donut objects and specify the Ordering")
Step 3: How to initialize a PriorityQueue of Donut objects and specify the Ordering
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
scala> val priorityQueue1: PriorityQueue[Donut] = PriorityQueue(
| Donut("Plain Donut", 1.50),
| Donut("Strawberry Donut", 2.0),
| Donut("Chocolate Donut", 2.50))(
priorityQueue1: scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[Donut] = PriorityQueue(Donut(Chocolate Donut,2.5), Donut(Plain Donut,1.5), Donut(Strawberry Donut,2.0))
scala> println(s"Elements of priorityQueue1 = $priorityQueue1")
Elements of priorityQueue1 = PriorityQueue(Donut(Chocolate Donut,2.5), Donut(Plain Donut,1.5), Donut(Strawberry Donut,2.0))
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add elements to LinkedHashMap using +=")
Step 4: How to add elements to LinkedHashMap using +=
scala> linkedHashMap1 += ("KD" -> "Krispy Kreme Donut")
res179: linkedHashMap1.type = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of linkedHashMap1 = ${linkedHashMap1}")
Elements of linkedHashMap1 = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to add elements from a LinkedHashMap to an existing LinkedHashMap using ++=")
Step 5: How to add elements from a LinkedHashMap to an existing LinkedHashMap using ++=
scala> linkedHashMap1 ++= linkedHashMap2
res182: linkedHashMap1.type = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to remove an element from PriorityQueue using the dequeue function")
Step 6: How to remove an element from PriorityQueue using the dequeue function
scala> val donutDequeued: Donut = priorityQueue1.dequeue()
donutDequeued: Donut = Donut(Strawberry Donut,2.0)
scala> println(s"Donut element dequeued = $donutDequeued")
Donut element dequeued = Donut(Strawberry Donut,2.0)
scala> println(s"Elements of priorityQueue1 after dequeued function is called = $priorityQueue1")
Elements of priorityQueue1 after dequeued function is called = PriorityQueue(Donut(Plain Donut,1.5), Donut(Vanilla Donut,1.0), Donut(Krispy Kreme Donut,1.0))
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to initialize an empty PriorityQueue")
Step 7: How to initialize an empty PriorityQueue
scala> val emptyPriorityQueue: PriorityQueue[String] = PriorityQueue.empty[String]
emptyPriorityQueue: scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[String] = PriorityQueue()
scala> println(s"Empty emptyPriorityQueue = $emptyPriorityQueue")
Empty emptyPriorityQueue = PriorityQueue()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.Set
import scala.collection.mutable.Set
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a Set with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a Set with 3 elements
scala> val set1: Set[String] = Set("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
set1: scala.collection.mutable.Set[String] = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of set1 = $set1")
Elements of set1 = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to check specific elements in Set")
Step 2: How to check specific elements in Set
scala> println(s"Element Plain Donut = ${set1("Plain Donut")}")
Element Plain Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Strawberry Donut = ${set1("Strawberry Donut")}")
Element Strawberry Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Chocolate Donut = ${set1("Chocolate Donut")}")
Element Chocolate Donut = true
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to add elements to Set using +=")
Step 3: How to add elements to Set using +=
scala> set1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res7: set1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of set1 after adding elements Vanilla Donut = $set1")
Elements of set1 after adding elements Vanilla Donut = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
Step 3: How to add elements to Set using +=
scala> set1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res7: set1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of set1 after adding elements Vanilla Donut = $set1")
Elements of set1 after adding elements Vanilla Donut = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add all elements from another Set using ++=")
Step 4: How to add all elements from another Set using ++=
scala> set1 ++= Set[String]("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut")
res10: set1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of set1 after adding second set = $set1")
Elements of set1 after adding second set = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to remove element from Set using -=")
Step 5: How to remove element from Set using -=
scala> set1 -= "Plain Donut"
res13: set1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of set1 without Plain Donut element = $set1")
Elements of set1 without Plain Donut element = Set(Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to find the intersection between two Sets using &")
Step 6: How to find the intersection between two Sets using &
scala> val set2: Set[String] = Set("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut", "Plain Donut")
set2: scala.collection.mutable.Set[String] = Set(Plain Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Intersection of set1 and set5 = ${set1 & set2}")
Intersection of set1 and set5 = Set(Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to find the difference between two Sets using &~")
Step 7: How to find the difference between two Sets using &~
scala> println(s"Difference of set1 and set2 = ${set1 &~ set2}")
Difference of set1 and set2 = Set(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
Step 8: How to initialize an empty Set
scala> val emptySet: Set[String] = Set.empty[String]
emptySet: scala.collection.mutable.Set[String] = Set()
scala> println(s"Empty Set = $emptySet")
Empty Set = Set()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a HashSet with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a HashSet with 3 elements
scala> val hashSet1: HashSet[String] = HashSet("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
hashSet1: scala.collection.mutable.HashSet[String] = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of hashSet1 = $hashSet1")
Elements of hashSet1 = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to check specific elements in HashSet")
Step 2: How to check specific elements in HashSet
scala> println(s"Element Plain Donut = ${hashSet1("Plain Donut")}")
Element Plain Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Strawberry Donut = ${hashSet1("Strawberry Donut")}")
Element Strawberry Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Chocolate Donut = ${hashSet1("Chocolate Donut")}")
Element Chocolate Donut = true
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to add elements to HashSet using +=")
Step 3: How to add elements to HashSet using +=
scala> hashSet1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res28: hashSet1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of hashSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = $hashSet1")
Elements of hashSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
Step 4: How to add two HashSets together using ++=
scala> hashSet1 ++= HashSet[String]("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut")
res31: hashSet1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of hashSet1 after adding another HashSet = $hashSet1")
Elements of hashSet1 after adding another HashSet = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
Step 5: How to remove element from HashSet using -=
scala> hashSet1 -= "Plain Donut"
res34: hashSet1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"HashSet without Plain Donut element = $hashSet1")
HashSet without Plain Donut element = Set(Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to find the intersection between two HashSet using &")
Step 6: How to find the intersection between two HashSet using &
scala> val hashSet2: HashSet[String] = HashSet("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut", "Plain Donut")
hashSet2: scala.collection.mutable.HashSet[String] = Set(Plain Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Intersection of hashSet1 and hashSet2 = ${hashSet1 & hashSet2}")
Intersection of hashSet1 and hashSet2 = Set(Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to find the difference between two HashSets using &~")
Step 7: How to find the difference between two HashSets using &~
scala> println(s"Difference of hashSet1 and hashSet5 = ${hashSet1 &~ hashSet2}")
Difference of hashSet1 and hashSet5 = Set(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 8: How to initialize an empty HashSet")
Step 8: How to initialize an empty HashSet
scala> val emptyHashSet: HashSet[String] = HashSet.empty[String]
emptyHashSet: scala.collection.mutable.HashSet[String] = Set()
scala> println(s"Empty HashSet = $emptyHashSet")
Empty HashSet = Set()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet
import scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a SortedSet with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a SortedSet with 3 elements
scala> val sortedSet1: SortedSet[String] = SortedSet("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
sortedSet1: scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet[String] = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of sortedSet1 = $sortedSet1")
Elements of sortedSet1 = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to check specific elements in SortedSet")
Step 2: How to check specific elements in SortedSet
scala> println(s"Element Plain Donut = ${sortedSet1("Plain Donut")}")
Element Plain Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Strawberry Donut = ${sortedSet1("Strawberry Donut")}")
Element Strawberry Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Chocolate Donut = ${sortedSet1("Chocolate Donut")}")
Element Chocolate Donut = true
Step 3: How to add elements to SortedSet using +=
scala> sortedSet1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res54: sortedSet1.type = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of sortedSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = $sortedSet1")
Elements of sortedSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add two SortedSets together using ++=")
Step 4: How to add two SortedSets together using ++=
scala> sortedSet1 ++= SortedSet[String]("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut")
res57: sortedSet1.type = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of sortedSet1 after adding second SortedSet = $sortedSet1")
Elements of sortedSet1 after adding second SortedSet = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to remove element from SortedSet using -=")
Step 5: How to remove element from SortedSet using -=
scala> sortedSet1 -= "Plain Donut"
res60: sortedSet1.type = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"sortedSet1 without Plain Donut element = $sortedSet1")
sortedSet1 without Plain Donut element = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to find the intersection between two SortedSets using &")
Step 6: How to find the intersection between two SortedSets using &
scala> val sortedSet2: SortedSet[String] = SortedSet("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut", "Plain Donut")
sortedSet2: scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet[String] = TreeSet(Glazed Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Intersection of sortedSet1 and sortedSet5 = ${sortedSet1 & sortedSet2}")
Intersection of sortedSet1 and sortedSet5 = TreeSet(Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to find the difference between two SortedSets using &~")
Step 7: How to find the difference between two SortedSets using &~
scala> println(s"Difference of sortedSet1 and sortedSet5 = ${sortedSet1 &~ sortedSet2}")
Difference of sortedSet1 and sortedSet5 = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Strawberry Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 8: How to change ordering to descending alphabet in SortedSet")
Step 8: How to change ordering to descending alphabet in SortedSet
scala> object DescendingAlphabetOrdering extends Ordering[String] {
| def compare(element1:String, element2:String) = element2.compareTo(element1)
| }
defined object DescendingAlphabetOrdering
scala> val sortedSet6: SortedSet[String] = SortedSet("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Chocolate Donut")(DescendingAlphabetOrdering)
sortedSet6: scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet[String] = TreeSet(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of sortedSet6 = $sortedSet6")
Elements of sortedSet6 = TreeSet(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
Step 9: How to initialize an empty SortedSet
scala> val emptySortedSet: SortedSet[String] = SortedSet.empty[String]
emptySortedSet: scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet[String] = TreeSet()
scala> println(s"Empty SortedSet = $emptySortedSet")
Empty SortedSet = TreeSet()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.TreeSet
import scala.collection.mutable.TreeSet
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a TreeSet with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a TreeSet with 3 elements
scala> val treeSet1: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
treeSet1: scala.collection.mutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of treeSet1 = $treeSet1")
Elements of treeSet1 = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to check specific elements in TreeSet")
Step 2: How to check specific elements in TreeSet
scala> println(s"Element Plain Donut = ${treeSet1("Plain Donut")}")
Element Plain Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Strawberry Donut = ${treeSet1("Strawberry Donut")}")
Element Strawberry Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Chocolate Donut = ${treeSet1("Chocolate Donut")}")
Element Chocolate Donut = true
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to add elements to TreeSet using +=")
Step 3: How to add elements to TreeSet using +=
scala> treeSet1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res77: treeSet1.type = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of treeSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = $treeSet1")
Elements of treeSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add two TreeSets together using ++=")
Step 4: How to add two TreeSets together using ++=
scala> treeSet1 ++= TreeSet[String]("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut")
res80: treeSet1.type = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of treeSet1 after adding second set = $treeSet1")
Elements of treeSet1 after adding second set = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to remove element from TreeSet using -=")
Step 5: How to remove element from TreeSet using -=
scala> treeSet1 -= "Plain Donut"
res83: treeSet1.type = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"treeSet1 without Plain Donut element = $treeSet1")
treeSet1 without Plain Donut element = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"treeSet1 without Plain Donut element = $treeSet1")
treeSet1 without Plain Donut element = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to find the intersection between two TreeSets using &")
Step 6: How to find the intersection between two TreeSets using &
scala> val treeSet2: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut", "Plain Donut")
treeSet2: scala.collection.mutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet(Glazed Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Intersection of treeSet1 and treeSet2 = ${treeSet1 & treeSet2}")
Intersection of treeSet1 and treeSet2 = TreeSet(Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> How to add elements to TreeSet using +=
scala> treeSet1 += "Vanilla Donut"
cala> println("\nStep 7: How to find the difference between two TreeSets using &~")
Step 7: How to find the difference between two TreeSets using &~
scala> println(s"Difference of treeSet1 and treeSet2 = ${treeSet1 &~ treeSet2}")
Difference of treeSet1 and treeSet2 = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Strawberry Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 8: How to change ordering to descending alphabet in TreeSet")
Step 8: How to change ordering to descending alphabet in TreeSet
scala> object DescendingAlphabetOrdering extends Ordering[String] {
| def compare(element1:String, element2:String) = element2.compareTo(element1)
| }
defined object DescendingAlphabetOrdering
scala> val treeSet3: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Chocolate Donut")(DescendingAlphabetOrdering)
treeSet3: scala.collection.mutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of treeSet3 = $treeSet3")
Elements of treeSet3 = TreeSet(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 9: How to initialize an empty TreeSet")
Step 9: How to initialize an empty TreeSet
scala> val emptyTreeSet: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet.empty[String]
emptyTreeSet: scala.collection.mutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet()
scala> println(s"Empty TreeSet = $emptyTreeSet")
Empty TreeSet = TreeSet()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a LinkedHashSet with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a LinkedHashSet with 3 elements
scala> val linkedHashSet1: LinkedHashSet[String] = LinkedHashSet("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
linkedHashSet1: scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[String] = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of linkedHashSet1 = $linkedHashSet1")
Elements of linkedHashSet1 = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to check specific elements in LinkedHashSet")
Step 2: How to check specific elements in LinkedHashSet
scala> println(s"Element Plain Donut = ${linkedHashSet1("Plain Donut")}")
Element Plain Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Strawberry Donut = ${linkedHashSet1("Strawberry Donut")}")
Element Strawberry Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Chocolate Donut = ${linkedHashSet1("Chocolate Donut")}")
Element Chocolate Donut = true
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to add elements to LinkedHashSet using +=")
Step 3: How to add elements to LinkedHashSet using +=
scala> linkedHashSet1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res100: linkedHashSet1.type = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of linkedHashSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = $linkedHashSet1")
Elements of linkedHashSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add two LinkedHashSets together using ++=")
Step 4: How to add two LinkedHashSets together using ++=
scala> linkedHashSet1 ++= LinkedHashSet[String]("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut")
res103: linkedHashSet1.type = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of linkedHashSet1 after adding another HashSet = $linkedHashSet1")
Elements of linkedHashSet1 after adding another HashSet = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to remove element from LinkedHashSet using -=")
Step 5: How to remove element from LinkedHashSet using -=
scala> linkedHashSet1 -= "Plain Donut"
res106: linkedHashSet1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"Set without Plain Donut element = $linkedHashSet1")
Set without Plain Donut element = Set(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to find the intersection between two LinkedHashSets using &")
Step 6: How to find the intersection between two LinkedHashSets using &
scala> val linkedHashSet2: LinkedHashSet[String] = LinkedHashSet("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut", "Plain Donut")
linkedHashSet2: scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[String] = Set(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Intersection of linkedHashSet1 and linkedHashSet2 = ${linkedHashSet1 & linkedHashSet2}")
Intersection of linkedHashSet1 and linkedHashSet2 = Set(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to find the difference between two LinkedHashSets using &~")
Step 7: How to find the difference between two LinkedHashSets using &~
scala> println(s"Difference of linkedHashSet1 and linkedHashSet2 = ${linkedHashSet1 &~ linkedHashSet2}")
Difference of linkedHashSet1 and linkedHashSet2 = Set(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 8: How to initialize an empty LinkedHashSet")
Step 8: How to initialize an empty LinkedHashSet
scala> val emptyLinkedHashSet: LinkedHashSet[String] = LinkedHashSet.empty[String]
emptyLinkedHashSet: scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[String] = Set()
scala> println(s"Empty LinkedHashSet = $emptyLinkedHashSet")
Empty LinkedHashSet = Set()
scala> println("\nStep 9: How to print elements in order inserted to LinkedHashSet using foreach function")
Step 9: How to print elements in order inserted to LinkedHashSet using foreach function
scala> val linkedHashSet3: LinkedHashSet[String] = LinkedHashSet.empty[String]
linkedHashSet3: scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[String] = Set()
scala> linkedHashSet3 += "Vanilla Donut"
res115: linkedHashSet3.type = Set(Vanilla Donut)
scala> linkedHashSet3 += "Glazed Donut"
res116: linkedHashSet3.type = Set(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> linkedHashSet3 += "Plain Donut"
res117: linkedHashSet3.type = Set(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Plain Donut)
scala> linkedHashSet3 += "Chocolate Donut"
res118: linkedHashSet3.type = Set(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> linkedHashSet3.foreach(donut => println(s"$donut"))
Vanilla Donut
Glazed Donut
Plain Donut
Chocolate Donut
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.BitSet
import scala.collection.mutable.BitSet
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a BitSet")
Step 1: How to initialize a BitSet
scala> val bitSet1: BitSet = BitSet(0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
bitSet1: scala.collection.mutable.BitSet = BitSet(0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
scala> println(s"Elements of bitSet1 = $bitSet1")
Elements of bitSet1 = BitSet(0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to check specific elements in BitSet")
Step 2: How to check specific elements in BitSet
scala> println(s"Element 0 = ${bitSet1(0)}")
Element 0 = true
scala> println(s"Element 1 = ${bitSet1(1)}")
Element 1 = false
scala> println(s"Element 2 = ${bitSet1(2)}")
Element 2 = true
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to add elements to BitSet using +=")
Step 3: How to add elements to BitSet using +=
scala> bitSet1 += 10
res128: bitSet1.type = BitSet(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
scala> println(s"Elements of bitSet1 after adding element 10 = $bitSet1")
Elements of bitSet1 after adding element 10 = BitSet(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add two BitSets together using ++=")
Step 4: How to add two BitSets together using ++=
scala> bitSet1 ++= BitSet(12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
res131: bitSet1.type = BitSet(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
scala> println(s"Elements of bitSet1 after adding second BitSet = $bitSet1")
Elements of bitSet1 after adding second BitSet = BitSet(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to remove element from BitSet using -=")
Step 5: How to remove element from BitSet using -=
scala> bitSet1 -= 0
res134: bitSet1.type = BitSet(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
scala> println(s"bitSet1 without element 0 = $bitSet1")
bitSet1 without element 0 = BitSet(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to remove element from BitSet using -=")
Step 5: How to remove element from BitSet using -=
scala> bitSet1 -= 0
res134: bitSet1.type = BitSet(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
scala> println(s"bitSet1 without element 0 = $bitSet1")
bitSet1 without element 0 = BitSet(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to find the intersection between two BitSets using &")
Step 6: How to find the intersection between two BitSets using &
scala> val bitSetEven2: BitSet = BitSet(6, 8, 10)
bitSetEven2: scala.collection.mutable.BitSet = BitSet(6, 8, 10)
scala> println(s"Intersection of bitSet1 and bitSetEven2 = ${bitSet1 & bitSetEven2}")
Intersection of bitSet1 and bitSetEven2 = BitSet(6, 8, 10)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to find the difference between two BitSets using &~")
Step 7: How to find the difference between two BitSets using &~
scala> println(s"Difference of bitSet1 and bitSetEven2 = ${bitSet1 &~ bitSetEven2}")
Difference of bitSet1 and bitSetEven2 = BitSet(2, 4, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
scala> println("\nStep 8: How to initialize an empty BitSet")
Step 8: How to initialize an empty BitSet
scala> val emptyBitSet: BitSet = BitSet.empty
emptyBitSet: scala.collection.mutable.BitSet = BitSet()
scala> println(s"Empty BitSet = $emptyBitSet")
Empty BitSet = BitSet()
Step 1: How to initialize a String Array with 3 elements
scala> val array1: Array[String] = Array("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
array1: Array[String] = Array(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of array1 = ${array1.mkString(", ")}")
Elements of array1 = Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to access elements at specific index in an Array")
Step 2: How to access elements at specific index in an Array
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${array1(0)}")
Element at index 0 = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 1 = ${array1(1)}")
Element at index 1 = Strawberry Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 2 = ${array1(2)}")
Element at index 2 = Chocolate Donut
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to initialize an Array by specifying it's capacity")
Step 3: How to initialize an Array by specifying it's capacity
scala> val array2: Array[String] = new Array(3)
array2: Array[String] = Array(null, null, null)
scala> array2(0) = "Plain Donut"
scala> array2(1) = "Strawberry Donut"
scala> array2(2) = "Chocolate Donut"
scala> println(s"Elements of array2 = ${array2.mkString(", ")}")
Elements of array2 = Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to create a 2D Array (2 dimension array)")
Step 4: How to create a 2D Array (2 dimension array)
scala> val rows = 2
rows: Int = 2
scala> val columns = 2
columns: Int = 2
scala> val array3: Array[Array[String]] = Array.ofDim[String](rows,columns)
array3: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(null, null), Array(null, null))
scala> array3(0)(0) = "Plain"
scala> array3(0)(1) = "Donut"
scala> array3(1)(0) = "Strawberry"
scala> array3(1)(1) = "Donut"
scala> println(s"Elements of 2 dimensional array = ${array3.deep.toList}")
Elements of 2 dimensional array = List(Array(Plain, Donut), Array(Strawberry, Donut))
Step 5: How to create 3D Array (3 Dimension Array) using Array.ofDim() method
scala> val array4: Array[Array[String]] = Array.ofDim[String](3,3)
array4: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(null, null, null), Array(null, null, null), Array(null, null, null))
scala> println(s"Elements of 3 dimensional array = ${array4.deep.toList}")
Elements of 3 dimensional array = List(Array(null, null, null), Array(null, null, null), Array(null, null, null))
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to create an Array using tabulate function")
Step 6: How to create an Array using tabulate function
scala> val array5: Array[Int] = Array.tabulate(5)(_ + 1)
array5: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
scala> println(s"Array of 5 columns = ${array5.toList}")
Array of 5 columns = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
scala> val row2 = 2
row2: Int = 2
scala> val arrayOfTowRowsAndThreeColumns = Array.tabulate(row2, column3)( (row, column) => row + column )
arrayOfTowRowsAndThreeColumns: Array[Array[Int]] = Array(Array(0, 1, 2), Array(1, 2, 3))
scala> println(s"Array with 2 rows and 3 columns = ${arrayOfTowRowsAndThreeColumns.deep.toString}")
Array with 2 rows and 3 columns = Array(Array(0, 1, 2), Array(1, 2, 3))
Step 8: How to create Array using Range
scala> val rangeArray: Array[Int] = (1 to 10).toArray[Int]
rangeArray: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
scala> println(s"Array using Range from 1 to 10 = ${rangeArray.mkString(", ")}")
Array using Range from 1 to 10 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
scala> println("\nStep 9: How to copy an Array using Array.copy")
Step 9: How to copy an Array using Array.copy
scala> val copyOfRangeArray: Array[Int] = new Array(rangeArray.size)
copyOfRangeArray: Array[Int] = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
scala> Array.copy(rangeArray, 0, copyOfRangeArray, 0, rangeArray.size)
scala> println(s"copy of range array with elements from rangeArray = ${copyOfRangeArray.mkString(", ")}")
copy of range array with elements from rangeArray = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
scala> println("\nStep 10: How to clone an Array")
Step 10: How to clone an Array
scala> val clonedRangeArray = rangeArray.clone
clonedRangeArray: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
scala> clonedRangeArray(0) = 10 // update index 0 to value 10
scala> println(s"clonedRangeArray = ${clonedRangeArray.mkString(", ")}")
clonedRangeArray = 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
scala> println(s"original range array still unchanged = ${rangeArray.mkString(", ")}")
original range array still unchanged = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
scala> println("\nStep 11: How to iterate over an Array using for comprehension")
Step 11: How to iterate over an Array using for comprehension
scala> for(d <- array1){
| println(s"d = $d")
| }
d = Plain Donut
d = Strawberry Donut
d = Chocolate Donut
scala> println("\nStep 12: How to merge two Arrays using Array.concat")
Step 12: How to merge two Arrays using Array.concat
scala> val moreDonutsArray: Array[String] = Array("Vanilla Donut","Glazed Donut")
moreDonutsArray: Array[String] = Array(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> val mergedDonutArray: Array[String] = Array.concat(array1, moreDonutsArray)
mergedDonutArray: Array[String] = Array(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"Merged Array of donuts = ${mergedDonutArray.mkString(", ")}")
Merged Array of donuts = Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut
scala> array
1res49: Array[String] = Array(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 13: How to check if two Arrays are equal")
Step 13: How to check if two Arrays are equal
scala> val arrayToCompare = Array[String]("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
arrayToCompare: Array[String] = Array(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
| println(s"using == ${array1 == moreDonutsArray}") // prints false
using == false
scala> println(s"using == ${array1 == arrayToCompare}") // ALSO prints false ??? what ... be careful
using == false
scala> println(s"using sameElement function = ${array1 sameElements arrayToCompare}") // NOW this works and returns true
using sameElement function = false
scala> println("\nStep 14: How to check if two Arrays are equal using deep function and == ")
Step 14: How to check if two Arrays are equal using deep function and ==
scala> println(s"using deep function = ${array1.deep == arrayToCompare.deep}")
using deep function = false
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize an ArrayBuffer with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize an ArrayBuffer with 3 elements
scala> val arrayBuffer1: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
arrayBuffer1: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayBuffer1 = $arrayBuffer1")
Elements of arrayBuffer1 = ArrayBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to access elements of an ArrayBuffer at specific index")
Step 2: How to access elements of an ArrayBuffer at specific index
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${arrayBuffer1(0)}")
Element at index 0 = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 1 = ${arrayBuffer1(1)}")
Element at index 1 = Strawberry Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 2 = ${arrayBuffer1(2)}")
Element at index 2 = Chocolate Donut
Step 3: How to add elements to an ArrayBuffer using +=
scala> arrayBuffer1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res65: arrayBuffer1.type = ArrayBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayBuffer1 = $arrayBuffer1")
Elements of arrayBuffer1 = ArrayBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> // NOTE: arrayBuffer1 is mutable and hence we were able to
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add elements from a List to an ArrayBuffer using ++=")
Step 4: How to add elements from a List to an ArrayBuffer using ++=
scala> arrayBuffer1 ++= List[String]("Glazed Donut", "Krispy creme")
res68: arrayBuffer1.type = ArrayBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayBuffer1 = $arrayBuffer1")
Elements of arrayBuffer1 = ArrayBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to remove elements from an ArrayBuffer")
Step 5: How to remove elements from an ArrayBuffer
scala> arrayBuffer1 -= "Plain Donut"
res71: arrayBuffer1.type = ArrayBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayBuffer1 = $arrayBuffer1")
Elements of arrayBuffer1 = ArrayBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to remove elements of a List from ArrayBuffer using --=")
Step 6: How to remove elements of a List from ArrayBuffer using --=
scala> arrayBuffer1 --= List[String]("Glazed Donut", "Krispy creme")
res74: arrayBuffer1.type = ArrayBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayBuffer1 = $arrayBuffer1")
Elements of arrayBuffer1 = ArrayBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to initialize an empty ArrayBuffer")
Step 7: How to initialize an empty ArrayBuffer
scala> val emptyArrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer.empty[String]
emptyArrayBuffer: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer()
scala> println(s"Empty array buffer = $emptyArrayBuffer")
Empty array buffer = ArrayBuffer()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayStack
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayStack
scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize ArrayStack with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize ArrayStack with 3 elements
scala> val arrayStack1: ArrayStack[String] = ArrayStack("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Chocolate Donut")
arrayStack1: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayStack[String] = ArrayStack(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayStack1 = $arrayStack1")
Elements of arrayStack1 = ArrayStack(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
Step 2: How to check elements at specific index of an ArrayStack
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${arrayStack1(0)}")
Element at index 0 = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 1 = ${arrayStack1(1)}")
Element at index 1 = Strawberry Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 2 = ${arrayStack1(2)}")
Element at index 2 = Chocolate Donut
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to add elements to an ArrayStack using +=")
Step 3: How to add elements to an ArrayStack using +=
scala> arrayStack1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res86: arrayStack1.type = ArrayStack(Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayStack1 = $arrayStack1")
Elements of arrayStack1 = ArrayStack(Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add elements from a List to an ArrayStack using ++=")
Step 4: How to add elements from a List to an ArrayStack using ++=
scala> arrayStack1 ++= List[String]("Glazed Donut", "Krispy creme")
res89: arrayStack1.type = ArrayStack(Krispy creme, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of arrayStack1 = $arrayStack1")
Elements of arrayStack1 = ArrayStack(Krispy creme, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to take an element from an ArrayStack using pop function")
Step 5: How to take an element from an ArrayStack using pop function
scala> println(s"Pop element from stack = ${arrayStack1.pop}")
Pop element from stack = Krispy crème
scala> println(s"Elements of stack1 = $arrayStack1")
Elements of stack1 = ArrayStack(Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to push one element at the top of the ArrayStack using push function")
Step 6: How to push one element at the top of the ArrayStack using push function
scala> arrayStack1.push("Krispy Creme")
scala> println(s"Elements after push = $arrayStack1")
Elements after push = ArrayStack(Krispy Creme, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to initialize an empty ArrayStack")
Step 7: How to initialize an empty ArrayStack
scala> val emptyArrayStack: ArrayStack[Nothing] = ArrayStack.empty
emptyArrayStack: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayStack[Nothing] = ArrayStack()
scala> println(s"Empty Stack = $emptyArrayStack")
Empty Stack = ArrayStack()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize a ListBuffer with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a ListBuffer with 3 elements
scala> val listBuffer1: ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
listBuffer1: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of listBuffer1 = $listBuffer1")
Elements of listBuffer1 = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to access elements at specific index in a ListBuffer")
Step 2: How to access elements at specific index in a ListBuffer
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${listBuffer1(0)}")
Element at index 0 = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 1 = ${listBuffer1(1)}")
Element at index 1 = Strawberry Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 2 = ${listBuffer1(2)}")
Element at index 2 = Chocolate Donut
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize a ListBuffer with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a ListBuffer with 3 elements
scala> val listBuffer1: ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
listBuffer1: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of listBuffer1 = $listBuffer1")
Elements of listBuffer1 = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to access elements at specific index in a ListBuffer")
Step 2: How to access elements at specific index in a ListBuffer
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${listBuffer1(0)}")
Element at index 0 = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 1 = ${listBuffer1(1)}")
Element at index 1 = Strawberry Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 2 = ${listBuffer1(2)}")
Element at index 2 = Chocolate Donut
Step 3: How to add elements to a ListBuffer using +=
scala> listBuffer1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res106: listBuffer1.type = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of listBuffer1 = $listBuffer1")
Elements of listBuffer1 = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add elements from a List to a ListBuffer using ++=")
Step 4: How to add elements from a List to a ListBuffer using ++=
scala> listBuffer1 ++= List[String]("Glazed Donut", "Krispy creme")
res109: listBuffer1.type = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
scala> println(s"Elements of listBuffer1 = $listBuffer1")
Elements of listBuffer1 = ListBuffer(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
Step 5: How to remove elements from a ListBuffer
scala> listBuffer1 -= "Plain Donut"
res112: listBuffer1.type = ListBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
scala> println(s"Elements of listBuffer1 = $listBuffer1")
Elements of listBuffer1 = ListBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Krispy creme)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to remove elements from a List to a ListBuffer using --=")
Step 6: How to remove elements from a List to a ListBuffer using --=
scala> listBuffer1 --= List[String]("Glazed Donut", "Krispy creme")
res115: listBuffer1.type = ListBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of listBuffer1 = $listBuffer1")
Elements of listBuffer1 = ListBuffer(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
Step 7: How to initialize an empty ListBuffer
scala> val emptyListBuffer: ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer.empty[String]
emptyListBuffer: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer()
scala> println(s"Empty list buffer = $emptyListBuffer")
Empty list buffer = ListBuffer()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.Map
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a Map with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a Map with 3 elements
scala> val map1: Map[String, String] = Map(("PD","Plain Donut"),("SD","Strawberry Donut"),("CD","Chocolate Donut"))
map1: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String] = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of map1 = $map1")
Elements of map1 = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
Step 2: How to initialize a Map using key -> value notation
scala> val map2: Map[String, String] = Map("VD"-> "Vanilla Donut", "GD" -> "Glazed Donut")
map2: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String] = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of map2 = $map2")
Elements of map2 = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to access elements of Map by specific key")
Step 3: How to access elements of Map by specific key
scala> println(s"Element by key VD = ${map2("VD")}")
Element by key VD = Vanilla Donut
scala> println(s"Element by key GD = ${map2("GD")}")
Element by key GD = Glazed Donut
Step 4: How to add elements to Map using +=
scala> map1 += ("KD" -> "Krispy Kreme Donut")
res127: map1.type = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Element in map1 = $map1")
Element in map1 = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to add elements from a Map to an existing Map using ++=")
Step 5: How to add elements from a Map to an existing Map using ++=
scala> map1 ++= map2
res130: map1.type = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements in map1 = $map1")
Elements in map1 = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
Step 6: How to remove key and its value from Map using -=
scala> map1 -= "CD"
res133: map1.type = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Map without the key CD and its value = $map1")
Map without the key CD and its value = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to initialize an empty Map")
Step 7: How to initialize an empty Map
scala> val emptyMap: Map[String,String] = Map.empty[String,String]
emptyMap: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String] = Map()
scala> println(s"Empty Map = $emptyMap")
Empty Map = Map()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a HashMap with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a HashMap with 3 elements
scala> val hashMap1: HashMap[String, String] = HashMap(("PD","Plain Donut"),("SD","Strawberry Donut"),("CD","Chocolate Donut"))
hashMap1: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String,String] = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of hashMap1 = $hashMap1")
Elements of hashMap1 = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to initialize HashMap using key -> value notation")
Step 2: How to initialize HashMap using key -> value notation
scala> val hashMap2: HashMap[String, String] = HashMap("VD"-> "Vanilla Donut", "GD" -> "Glazed Donut")
hashMap2: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String,String] = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of hashMap2 = $hashMap2")
Elements of hashMap2 = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to access elements of HashMap by specific key")
Step 3: How to access elements of HashMap by specific key
scala> println(s"Element by key VD = ${hashMap2("VD")}")
Element by key VD = Vanilla Donut
scala> println(s"Element by key GD = ${hashMap2("GD")}")
Element by key GD = Glazed Donut
Step 4: How to add elements to HashMap using +=
scala> hashMap1 += ("KD" -> "Krispy Kreme Donut")
res145: hashMap1.type = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Element in hashMap1 = $hashMap1")
Element in hashMap1 = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
Step 5: How to add elements from a HashMap to an existing HashMap using ++=
scala> hashMap1 ++= hashMap2
res148: hashMap1.type = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements in hashMap1 = $hashMap1")
Elements in hashMap1 = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut)
Step 7: How to initialize an empty HashMap
scala> val emptyMap: HashMap[String,String] = HashMap.empty[String,String]
emptyMap: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String,String] = Map()
scala> println(s"Empty HashMap = $emptyMap")
Empty HashMap = Map()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ListMap
import scala.collection.mutable.ListMap
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a ListMap with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a ListMap with 3 elements
scala> val listMap1: ListMap[String, String] = ListMap("PD" -> "Plain Donut", "SD" ->"Strawberry Donut", "CD" -> "Chocolate Donut")
listMap1: scala.collection.mutable.ListMap[String,String] = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of listMap1 = $listMap1")
Elements of listMap1 = Map(CD -> Chocolate Donut, PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to initialize ListMap using key -> value notation")
Step 2: How to initialize ListMap using key -> value notation
scala> val listMap2: ListMap[String, String] = ListMap("VD"-> "Vanilla Donut", "GD" -> "Glazed Donut")
listMap2: scala.collection.mutable.ListMap[String,String] = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of listMap1 = $listMap2")
Elements of listMap1 = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to access elements of ListMap by specific key")
Step 3: How to access elements of ListMap by specific key
scala> println(s"Element by key VD = ${listMap2("VD")}")
Element by key VD = Vanilla Donut
scala> println(s"Element by key GD = ${listMap2("GD")}")
Element by key GD = Glazed Donut
Step 4: How to add elements to ListMap using +
scala> listMap1 += ("KD" -> "Krispy Kreme Donut")
res160: listMap1.type = Map(KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Element of listMap1 = ${listMap1}")
Element of listMap1 = Map(KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to add elements from a ListMap to an existing ListMap using ++=")
Step 5: How to add elements from a ListMap to an existing ListMap using ++=
scala> listMap1 ++= listMap2
res163: listMap1.type = Map(VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"Element of listMap1 = ${listMap1}")
Element of listMap1 = Map(VD -> Vanilla Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, PD -> Plain Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to remove key and its value from ListMap using -=")
Step 6: How to remove key and its value from ListMap using -=
scala> listMap1 -= ("CD") of listMap1 = $listMap1")
res166: listMap1.type = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to initialize ListMap using key -> value notation")
scala> println(s"ListMap without the key CD and its value = $listMap1")
ListMap without the key CD and its value = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> val listMap2: ListMap[String, String] = ListMap("VD"-> "Vanilla Donut", "GD" -> "Glazed Donut")
scala> 2: scala.collection.mutable.ListMap[String,String] = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of listMap1 = $listMap2")
Elements of listMap1 = Map(GD -> Glazed Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to access elements of ListMap by specific key")
Step 3: How to access elements of ListMap by specific key
scala> println(s"Element by key VD = ${listMap2("VD")}")
Element by key VD = Vanilla Donut
scala> println(s"Element by key GD = ${listMap2("GD")}")
Element by key GD = Glazed Donut
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to initialize an empty ListMap")
Step 7: How to initialize an empty ListMap
scala> val emptyListMap: ListMap[String, String] = ListMap.empty[String,String]
emptyListMap: scala.collection.mutable.ListMap[String,String] = Map()
scala> println(s"Empty ListMap of type String = $emptyListMap")
Empty ListMap of type String = Map()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a LinkedHashMap with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a LinkedHashMap with 3 elements
scala> val linkedHashMap1: LinkedHashMap[String, String] = LinkedHashMap("PD" -> "Plain Donut", "SD" ->"Strawberry Donut", "CD" -> "Chocolate Donut")
linkedHashMap1: scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap[String,String] = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of linkedHashMap1 = $linkedHashMap1")
Elements of linkedHashMap1 = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to initialize a LinkedHashMap using key -> value notation")
Step 2: How to initialize a LinkedHashMap using key -> value notation
scala> val linkedHashMap2: LinkedHashMap[String, String] = LinkedHashMap("VD"-> "Vanilla Donut", "GD" -> "Glazed Donut")
linkedHashMap2: scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap[String,String] = Map(VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"LinkedHashMap1 = $linkedHashMap2")
LinkedHashMap1 = Map(VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to access elements of LinkedHashMap by specific key")
Step 3: How to access elements of LinkedHashMap by specific key
scala> println(s"Element by key VD = ${linkedHashMap2("VD")}")
Element by key VD = Vanilla Donut
scala> println(s"Element by key GD = ${linkedHashMap2("GD")}")
Element by key GD = Glazed Donut
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add elements to LinkedHashMap using +=")
Step 4: How to add elements to LinkedHashMap using +=
scala> linkedHashMap1 += ("KD" -> "Krispy Kreme Donut")
res179: linkedHashMap1.type = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of linkedHashMap1 = ${linkedHashMap1}")
Elements of linkedHashMap1 = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut)
Step 5: How to add elements from a LinkedHashMap to an existing LinkedHashMap using ++=
scala> linkedHashMap1 ++= linkedHashMap2
res182: linkedHashMap1.type = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of linkedHashMap1 = ${linkedHashMap1}")
Elements of linkedHashMap1 = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to remove key and its value from LinkedHashMap using -=")
Step 6: How to remove key and its value from LinkedHashMap using -=
scala> linkedHashMap1 -= ("CD")
res185: linkedHashMap1.type = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"LinkedHashMap without the key CD and its value = $linkedHashMap1")
LinkedHashMap without the key CD and its value = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to initialize an empty LinkedHashMap")
Step 7: How to initialize an empty LinkedHashMap
scala> val emptyLinkedHashMap: LinkedHashMap[String, String] = LinkedHashMap.empty[String,String]
emptyLinkedHashMap: scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap[String,String] = Map()
scala> println(s"Empty LinkedHashMap of type String = $emptyLinkedHashMap")
Empty LinkedHashMap of type String = Map()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a Queue with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a Queue with 3 elements
scala> val queue1: Queue[String] = Queue("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Chocolate Donut")
queue1: scala.collection.mutable.Queue[String] = Queue(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of queue1 = $queue1")
Elements of queue1 = Queue(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to access elements of Queue at specific index")
Step 2: How to access elements of Queue at specific index
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${queue1(0)}")
Element at index 0 = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${queue1(1)}")
Element at index 0 = Strawberry Donut
scala> println(s"Element at index 0 = ${queue1(2)}")
Element at index 0 = Chocolate Donut
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to add elements to Queue using +=")
Step 3: How to add elements to Queue using +=
scala> queue1 += "Glazed Donut"
res196: queue1.type = Queue(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of queue1 = $queue1")
Elements of queue1 = Queue(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add elements to Queue using enqueue")
Step 4: How to add elements to Queue using enqueue
scala> queue1.enqueue("Vanilla Donut")
scala> println(s"Enqueue element Vanilla Donut onto queue1 = $queue1")
Enqueue element Vanilla Donut onto queue1 = Queue(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to take the first element or head from the Queue")
Step 5: How to take the first element or head from the Queue
scala> val dequeuedElement: String = queue1.dequeue
dequeuedElement: String = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Dequeued element = $dequeuedElement")
Dequeued element = Plain Donut
scala> println(s"Elements of queue1 after dequeue = $queue1")
Elements of queue1 after dequeue = Queue(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to initialize an empty Queue")
Step 6: How to initialize an empty Queue
scala> val emptyQueue: Queue[String] = Queue.empty[String]
emptyQueue: scala.collection.mutable.Queue[String] = Queue()
scala> println(s"Empty Queue = $emptyQueue")
Empty Queue = Queue()
scala> case class Donut(name: String, price: Double)
defined class Donut
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to declare a function which defines the ordering of a PriorityQueue of Donut objects")
Step 2: How to declare a function which defines the ordering of a PriorityQueue of Donut objects
scala> def donutOrder(d: Donut) = d.price
donutOrder: (d: Donut)Double
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to initialize a PriorityQueue of Donut objects and specify the Ordering")
Step 3: How to initialize a PriorityQueue of Donut objects and specify the Ordering
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
scala> val priorityQueue1: PriorityQueue[Donut] = PriorityQueue(
| Donut("Plain Donut", 1.50),
| Donut("Strawberry Donut", 2.0),
| Donut("Chocolate Donut", 2.50))(
priorityQueue1: scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[Donut] = PriorityQueue(Donut(Chocolate Donut,2.5), Donut(Plain Donut,1.5), Donut(Strawberry Donut,2.0))
scala> println(s"Elements of priorityQueue1 = $priorityQueue1")
Elements of priorityQueue1 = PriorityQueue(Donut(Chocolate Donut,2.5), Donut(Plain Donut,1.5), Donut(Strawberry Donut,2.0))
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add elements to LinkedHashMap using +=")
Step 4: How to add elements to LinkedHashMap using +=
scala> linkedHashMap1 += ("KD" -> "Krispy Kreme Donut")
res179: linkedHashMap1.type = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of linkedHashMap1 = ${linkedHashMap1}")
Elements of linkedHashMap1 = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to add elements from a LinkedHashMap to an existing LinkedHashMap using ++=")
Step 5: How to add elements from a LinkedHashMap to an existing LinkedHashMap using ++=
scala> linkedHashMap1 ++= linkedHashMap2
res182: linkedHashMap1.type = Map(PD -> Plain Donut, SD -> Strawberry Donut, CD -> Chocolate Donut, KD -> Krispy Kreme Donut, VD -> Vanilla Donut, GD -> Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to remove an element from PriorityQueue using the dequeue function")
Step 6: How to remove an element from PriorityQueue using the dequeue function
scala> val donutDequeued: Donut = priorityQueue1.dequeue()
donutDequeued: Donut = Donut(Strawberry Donut,2.0)
scala> println(s"Donut element dequeued = $donutDequeued")
Donut element dequeued = Donut(Strawberry Donut,2.0)
scala> println(s"Elements of priorityQueue1 after dequeued function is called = $priorityQueue1")
Elements of priorityQueue1 after dequeued function is called = PriorityQueue(Donut(Plain Donut,1.5), Donut(Vanilla Donut,1.0), Donut(Krispy Kreme Donut,1.0))
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to initialize an empty PriorityQueue")
Step 7: How to initialize an empty PriorityQueue
scala> val emptyPriorityQueue: PriorityQueue[String] = PriorityQueue.empty[String]
emptyPriorityQueue: scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[String] = PriorityQueue()
scala> println(s"Empty emptyPriorityQueue = $emptyPriorityQueue")
Empty emptyPriorityQueue = PriorityQueue()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.Set
import scala.collection.mutable.Set
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a Set with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a Set with 3 elements
scala> val set1: Set[String] = Set("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
set1: scala.collection.mutable.Set[String] = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of set1 = $set1")
Elements of set1 = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to check specific elements in Set")
Step 2: How to check specific elements in Set
scala> println(s"Element Plain Donut = ${set1("Plain Donut")}")
Element Plain Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Strawberry Donut = ${set1("Strawberry Donut")}")
Element Strawberry Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Chocolate Donut = ${set1("Chocolate Donut")}")
Element Chocolate Donut = true
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to add elements to Set using +=")
Step 3: How to add elements to Set using +=
scala> set1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res7: set1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of set1 after adding elements Vanilla Donut = $set1")
Elements of set1 after adding elements Vanilla Donut = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
Step 3: How to add elements to Set using +=
scala> set1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res7: set1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of set1 after adding elements Vanilla Donut = $set1")
Elements of set1 after adding elements Vanilla Donut = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add all elements from another Set using ++=")
Step 4: How to add all elements from another Set using ++=
scala> set1 ++= Set[String]("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut")
res10: set1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of set1 after adding second set = $set1")
Elements of set1 after adding second set = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to remove element from Set using -=")
Step 5: How to remove element from Set using -=
scala> set1 -= "Plain Donut"
res13: set1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of set1 without Plain Donut element = $set1")
Elements of set1 without Plain Donut element = Set(Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to find the intersection between two Sets using &")
Step 6: How to find the intersection between two Sets using &
scala> val set2: Set[String] = Set("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut", "Plain Donut")
set2: scala.collection.mutable.Set[String] = Set(Plain Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Intersection of set1 and set5 = ${set1 & set2}")
Intersection of set1 and set5 = Set(Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to find the difference between two Sets using &~")
Step 7: How to find the difference between two Sets using &~
scala> println(s"Difference of set1 and set2 = ${set1 &~ set2}")
Difference of set1 and set2 = Set(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
Step 8: How to initialize an empty Set
scala> val emptySet: Set[String] = Set.empty[String]
emptySet: scala.collection.mutable.Set[String] = Set()
scala> println(s"Empty Set = $emptySet")
Empty Set = Set()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a HashSet with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a HashSet with 3 elements
scala> val hashSet1: HashSet[String] = HashSet("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
hashSet1: scala.collection.mutable.HashSet[String] = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of hashSet1 = $hashSet1")
Elements of hashSet1 = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to check specific elements in HashSet")
Step 2: How to check specific elements in HashSet
scala> println(s"Element Plain Donut = ${hashSet1("Plain Donut")}")
Element Plain Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Strawberry Donut = ${hashSet1("Strawberry Donut")}")
Element Strawberry Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Chocolate Donut = ${hashSet1("Chocolate Donut")}")
Element Chocolate Donut = true
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to add elements to HashSet using +=")
Step 3: How to add elements to HashSet using +=
scala> hashSet1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res28: hashSet1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of hashSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = $hashSet1")
Elements of hashSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
Step 4: How to add two HashSets together using ++=
scala> hashSet1 ++= HashSet[String]("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut")
res31: hashSet1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of hashSet1 after adding another HashSet = $hashSet1")
Elements of hashSet1 after adding another HashSet = Set(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
Step 5: How to remove element from HashSet using -=
scala> hashSet1 -= "Plain Donut"
res34: hashSet1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"HashSet without Plain Donut element = $hashSet1")
HashSet without Plain Donut element = Set(Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to find the intersection between two HashSet using &")
Step 6: How to find the intersection between two HashSet using &
scala> val hashSet2: HashSet[String] = HashSet("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut", "Plain Donut")
hashSet2: scala.collection.mutable.HashSet[String] = Set(Plain Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Intersection of hashSet1 and hashSet2 = ${hashSet1 & hashSet2}")
Intersection of hashSet1 and hashSet2 = Set(Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to find the difference between two HashSets using &~")
Step 7: How to find the difference between two HashSets using &~
scala> println(s"Difference of hashSet1 and hashSet5 = ${hashSet1 &~ hashSet2}")
Difference of hashSet1 and hashSet5 = Set(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 8: How to initialize an empty HashSet")
Step 8: How to initialize an empty HashSet
scala> val emptyHashSet: HashSet[String] = HashSet.empty[String]
emptyHashSet: scala.collection.mutable.HashSet[String] = Set()
scala> println(s"Empty HashSet = $emptyHashSet")
Empty HashSet = Set()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet
import scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a SortedSet with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a SortedSet with 3 elements
scala> val sortedSet1: SortedSet[String] = SortedSet("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
sortedSet1: scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet[String] = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of sortedSet1 = $sortedSet1")
Elements of sortedSet1 = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to check specific elements in SortedSet")
Step 2: How to check specific elements in SortedSet
scala> println(s"Element Plain Donut = ${sortedSet1("Plain Donut")}")
Element Plain Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Strawberry Donut = ${sortedSet1("Strawberry Donut")}")
Element Strawberry Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Chocolate Donut = ${sortedSet1("Chocolate Donut")}")
Element Chocolate Donut = true
Step 3: How to add elements to SortedSet using +=
scala> sortedSet1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res54: sortedSet1.type = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of sortedSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = $sortedSet1")
Elements of sortedSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add two SortedSets together using ++=")
Step 4: How to add two SortedSets together using ++=
scala> sortedSet1 ++= SortedSet[String]("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut")
res57: sortedSet1.type = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of sortedSet1 after adding second SortedSet = $sortedSet1")
Elements of sortedSet1 after adding second SortedSet = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to remove element from SortedSet using -=")
Step 5: How to remove element from SortedSet using -=
scala> sortedSet1 -= "Plain Donut"
res60: sortedSet1.type = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"sortedSet1 without Plain Donut element = $sortedSet1")
sortedSet1 without Plain Donut element = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to find the intersection between two SortedSets using &")
Step 6: How to find the intersection between two SortedSets using &
scala> val sortedSet2: SortedSet[String] = SortedSet("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut", "Plain Donut")
sortedSet2: scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet[String] = TreeSet(Glazed Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Intersection of sortedSet1 and sortedSet5 = ${sortedSet1 & sortedSet2}")
Intersection of sortedSet1 and sortedSet5 = TreeSet(Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to find the difference between two SortedSets using &~")
Step 7: How to find the difference between two SortedSets using &~
scala> println(s"Difference of sortedSet1 and sortedSet5 = ${sortedSet1 &~ sortedSet2}")
Difference of sortedSet1 and sortedSet5 = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Strawberry Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 8: How to change ordering to descending alphabet in SortedSet")
Step 8: How to change ordering to descending alphabet in SortedSet
scala> object DescendingAlphabetOrdering extends Ordering[String] {
| def compare(element1:String, element2:String) = element2.compareTo(element1)
| }
defined object DescendingAlphabetOrdering
scala> val sortedSet6: SortedSet[String] = SortedSet("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Chocolate Donut")(DescendingAlphabetOrdering)
sortedSet6: scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet[String] = TreeSet(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of sortedSet6 = $sortedSet6")
Elements of sortedSet6 = TreeSet(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
Step 9: How to initialize an empty SortedSet
scala> val emptySortedSet: SortedSet[String] = SortedSet.empty[String]
emptySortedSet: scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet[String] = TreeSet()
scala> println(s"Empty SortedSet = $emptySortedSet")
Empty SortedSet = TreeSet()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.TreeSet
import scala.collection.mutable.TreeSet
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a TreeSet with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a TreeSet with 3 elements
scala> val treeSet1: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
treeSet1: scala.collection.mutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of treeSet1 = $treeSet1")
Elements of treeSet1 = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to check specific elements in TreeSet")
Step 2: How to check specific elements in TreeSet
scala> println(s"Element Plain Donut = ${treeSet1("Plain Donut")}")
Element Plain Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Strawberry Donut = ${treeSet1("Strawberry Donut")}")
Element Strawberry Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Chocolate Donut = ${treeSet1("Chocolate Donut")}")
Element Chocolate Donut = true
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to add elements to TreeSet using +=")
Step 3: How to add elements to TreeSet using +=
scala> treeSet1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res77: treeSet1.type = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of treeSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = $treeSet1")
Elements of treeSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add two TreeSets together using ++=")
Step 4: How to add two TreeSets together using ++=
scala> treeSet1 ++= TreeSet[String]("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut")
res80: treeSet1.type = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of treeSet1 after adding second set = $treeSet1")
Elements of treeSet1 after adding second set = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to remove element from TreeSet using -=")
Step 5: How to remove element from TreeSet using -=
scala> treeSet1 -= "Plain Donut"
res83: treeSet1.type = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"treeSet1 without Plain Donut element = $treeSet1")
treeSet1 without Plain Donut element = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"treeSet1 without Plain Donut element = $treeSet1")
treeSet1 without Plain Donut element = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Glazed Donut, Strawberry Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to find the intersection between two TreeSets using &")
Step 6: How to find the intersection between two TreeSets using &
scala> val treeSet2: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut", "Plain Donut")
treeSet2: scala.collection.mutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet(Glazed Donut, Plain Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Intersection of treeSet1 and treeSet2 = ${treeSet1 & treeSet2}")
Intersection of treeSet1 and treeSet2 = TreeSet(Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> How to add elements to TreeSet using +=
scala> treeSet1 += "Vanilla Donut"
cala> println("\nStep 7: How to find the difference between two TreeSets using &~")
Step 7: How to find the difference between two TreeSets using &~
scala> println(s"Difference of treeSet1 and treeSet2 = ${treeSet1 &~ treeSet2}")
Difference of treeSet1 and treeSet2 = TreeSet(Chocolate Donut, Strawberry Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 8: How to change ordering to descending alphabet in TreeSet")
Step 8: How to change ordering to descending alphabet in TreeSet
scala> object DescendingAlphabetOrdering extends Ordering[String] {
| def compare(element1:String, element2:String) = element2.compareTo(element1)
| }
defined object DescendingAlphabetOrdering
scala> val treeSet3: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Chocolate Donut")(DescendingAlphabetOrdering)
treeSet3: scala.collection.mutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of treeSet3 = $treeSet3")
Elements of treeSet3 = TreeSet(Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 9: How to initialize an empty TreeSet")
Step 9: How to initialize an empty TreeSet
scala> val emptyTreeSet: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet.empty[String]
emptyTreeSet: scala.collection.mutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet()
scala> println(s"Empty TreeSet = $emptyTreeSet")
Empty TreeSet = TreeSet()
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a LinkedHashSet with 3 elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a LinkedHashSet with 3 elements
scala> val linkedHashSet1: LinkedHashSet[String] = LinkedHashSet("Plain Donut","Strawberry Donut","Chocolate Donut")
linkedHashSet1: scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[String] = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of linkedHashSet1 = $linkedHashSet1")
Elements of linkedHashSet1 = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to check specific elements in LinkedHashSet")
Step 2: How to check specific elements in LinkedHashSet
scala> println(s"Element Plain Donut = ${linkedHashSet1("Plain Donut")}")
Element Plain Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Strawberry Donut = ${linkedHashSet1("Strawberry Donut")}")
Element Strawberry Donut = true
scala> println(s"Element Chocolate Donut = ${linkedHashSet1("Chocolate Donut")}")
Element Chocolate Donut = true
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to add elements to LinkedHashSet using +=")
Step 3: How to add elements to LinkedHashSet using +=
scala> linkedHashSet1 += "Vanilla Donut"
res100: linkedHashSet1.type = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of linkedHashSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = $linkedHashSet1")
Elements of linkedHashSet1 after adding Vanilla Donut element = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add two LinkedHashSets together using ++=")
Step 4: How to add two LinkedHashSets together using ++=
scala> linkedHashSet1 ++= LinkedHashSet[String]("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut")
res103: linkedHashSet1.type = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of linkedHashSet1 after adding another HashSet = $linkedHashSet1")
Elements of linkedHashSet1 after adding another HashSet = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to remove element from LinkedHashSet using -=")
Step 5: How to remove element from LinkedHashSet using -=
scala> linkedHashSet1 -= "Plain Donut"
res106: linkedHashSet1.type = Set(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println(s"Set without Plain Donut element = $linkedHashSet1")
Set without Plain Donut element = Set(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to find the intersection between two LinkedHashSets using &")
Step 6: How to find the intersection between two LinkedHashSets using &
scala> val linkedHashSet2: LinkedHashSet[String] = LinkedHashSet("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut", "Plain Donut")
linkedHashSet2: scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[String] = Set(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Plain Donut)
scala> println(s"Intersection of linkedHashSet1 and linkedHashSet2 = ${linkedHashSet1 & linkedHashSet2}")
Intersection of linkedHashSet1 and linkedHashSet2 = Set(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to find the difference between two LinkedHashSets using &~")
Step 7: How to find the difference between two LinkedHashSets using &~
scala> println(s"Difference of linkedHashSet1 and linkedHashSet2 = ${linkedHashSet1 &~ linkedHashSet2}")
Difference of linkedHashSet1 and linkedHashSet2 = Set(Strawberry Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> println("\nStep 8: How to initialize an empty LinkedHashSet")
Step 8: How to initialize an empty LinkedHashSet
scala> val emptyLinkedHashSet: LinkedHashSet[String] = LinkedHashSet.empty[String]
emptyLinkedHashSet: scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[String] = Set()
scala> println(s"Empty LinkedHashSet = $emptyLinkedHashSet")
Empty LinkedHashSet = Set()
scala> println("\nStep 9: How to print elements in order inserted to LinkedHashSet using foreach function")
Step 9: How to print elements in order inserted to LinkedHashSet using foreach function
scala> val linkedHashSet3: LinkedHashSet[String] = LinkedHashSet.empty[String]
linkedHashSet3: scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[String] = Set()
scala> linkedHashSet3 += "Vanilla Donut"
res115: linkedHashSet3.type = Set(Vanilla Donut)
scala> linkedHashSet3 += "Glazed Donut"
res116: linkedHashSet3.type = Set(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> linkedHashSet3 += "Plain Donut"
res117: linkedHashSet3.type = Set(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Plain Donut)
scala> linkedHashSet3 += "Chocolate Donut"
res118: linkedHashSet3.type = Set(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut)
scala> linkedHashSet3.foreach(donut => println(s"$donut"))
Vanilla Donut
Glazed Donut
Plain Donut
Chocolate Donut
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.BitSet
import scala.collection.mutable.BitSet
scala> println("\nStep 1: How to initialize a BitSet")
Step 1: How to initialize a BitSet
scala> val bitSet1: BitSet = BitSet(0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
bitSet1: scala.collection.mutable.BitSet = BitSet(0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
scala> println(s"Elements of bitSet1 = $bitSet1")
Elements of bitSet1 = BitSet(0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to check specific elements in BitSet")
Step 2: How to check specific elements in BitSet
scala> println(s"Element 0 = ${bitSet1(0)}")
Element 0 = true
scala> println(s"Element 1 = ${bitSet1(1)}")
Element 1 = false
scala> println(s"Element 2 = ${bitSet1(2)}")
Element 2 = true
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to add elements to BitSet using +=")
Step 3: How to add elements to BitSet using +=
scala> bitSet1 += 10
res128: bitSet1.type = BitSet(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
scala> println(s"Elements of bitSet1 after adding element 10 = $bitSet1")
Elements of bitSet1 after adding element 10 = BitSet(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to add two BitSets together using ++=")
Step 4: How to add two BitSets together using ++=
scala> bitSet1 ++= BitSet(12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
res131: bitSet1.type = BitSet(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
scala> println(s"Elements of bitSet1 after adding second BitSet = $bitSet1")
Elements of bitSet1 after adding second BitSet = BitSet(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to remove element from BitSet using -=")
Step 5: How to remove element from BitSet using -=
scala> bitSet1 -= 0
res134: bitSet1.type = BitSet(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
scala> println(s"bitSet1 without element 0 = $bitSet1")
bitSet1 without element 0 = BitSet(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
scala> println("\nStep 5: How to remove element from BitSet using -=")
Step 5: How to remove element from BitSet using -=
scala> bitSet1 -= 0
res134: bitSet1.type = BitSet(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
scala> println(s"bitSet1 without element 0 = $bitSet1")
bitSet1 without element 0 = BitSet(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to find the intersection between two BitSets using &")
Step 6: How to find the intersection between two BitSets using &
scala> val bitSetEven2: BitSet = BitSet(6, 8, 10)
bitSetEven2: scala.collection.mutable.BitSet = BitSet(6, 8, 10)
scala> println(s"Intersection of bitSet1 and bitSetEven2 = ${bitSet1 & bitSetEven2}")
Intersection of bitSet1 and bitSetEven2 = BitSet(6, 8, 10)
scala> println("\nStep 7: How to find the difference between two BitSets using &~")
Step 7: How to find the difference between two BitSets using &~
scala> println(s"Difference of bitSet1 and bitSetEven2 = ${bitSet1 &~ bitSetEven2}")
Difference of bitSet1 and bitSetEven2 = BitSet(2, 4, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
scala> println("\nStep 8: How to initialize an empty BitSet")
Step 8: How to initialize an empty BitSet
scala> val emptyBitSet: BitSet = BitSet.empty
emptyBitSet: scala.collection.mutable.BitSet = BitSet()
scala> println(s"Empty BitSet = $emptyBitSet")
Empty BitSet = BitSet()
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