Thursday, March 21, 2019

Scala Functions Examples

def aggregate[B](z: =>B)(seqop: (B, A) => B, combop: (B, B) => B): B = foldLeft(z)(seqop)

scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize a Set of type String to represent Donut elements")
Step 1: How to initialize a Set of type String to represent Donut elements

scala> val donutBasket1: Set[String] = Set("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut")
donutBasket1: Set[String] = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut)

scala> println(s"Elements of donutBasket1 = $donutBasket1")
Elements of donutBasket1 = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut)

scala> val donutLengthAccumulator: (Int, String) => Int = (accumulator, donutName) => accumulator + donutName.length
donutLengthAccumulator: (Int, String) => Int = <function2>

scala> println("\nStep 3: How to call aggregate function with the accumulator function from Step 2")
Step 3: How to call aggregate function with the accumulator function from Step 2

scala> val totalLength = donutBasket1.aggregate(0)(donutLengthAccumulator, _ + _)
totalLength: Int = 27

scala> println(s"Total length of elements in donutBasket1 = $totalLength")
Total length of elements in donutBasket1 = 27

scala> println("\nStep 4: How to initialize a Set of Tuple3 elements to represent Donut name, price and quantity")
Step 4: How to initialize a Set of Tuple3 elements to represent Donut name, price and quantity

scala> val donutBasket2: Set[(String, Double, Int)] = Set(("Plain Donut", 1.50, 10), ("Strawberry Donut", 2.0, 10))
donutBasket2: Set[(String, Double, Int)] = Set((Plain Donut,1.5,10), (Strawberry Donut,2.0,10))

scala> println(s"Elements of donutBasket2 = $donutBasket2")
Elements of donutBasket2 = Set((Plain Donut,1.5,10), (Strawberry Donut,2.0,10))

Step 5: How to define an accumulator function to calculate the total cost of Donuts

scala> val totalCostAccumulator: (Double, Double, Int) => Double = (accumulator, price, quantity) => accumulator + (price * quantity)
totalCostAccumulator: (Double, Double, Int) => Double = <function3>

scala> println("\nStep 6: How to call aggregate function with accumulator function from Step 5")
Step 6: How to call aggregate function with accumulator function from Step 5

scala> val totalCost = donutBasket2.aggregate(0.0)((accumulator: Double, tuple: (String, Double, Int)) => totalCostAccumulator(accumulator, tuple._2, tuple._3), _ + _)
totalCost: Double = 35.0

scala> println(s"Total cost of donuts in donutBasket2 = $totalCost")
Total cost of donuts in donutBasket2 = 35.0

def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Traversable[B]

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence which contains donut names and prices
scala> val donutNamesandPrices: Seq[Any] = Seq("Plain Donut", 1.5, "Strawberry Donut", 2.0, "Glazed Donut", 2.5)
donutNamesandPrices: Seq[Any] = List(Plain Donut, 1.5, Strawberry Donut, 2.0, Glazed Donut, 2.5)

scala> println(s"Elements of donutNamesAndPrices = $donutNamesandPrices")
Elements of donutNamesAndPrices = List(Plain Donut, 1.5, Strawberry Donut, 2.0, Glazed Donut, 2.5)

scala> println("\nStep 2: How to use collect function to cherry pick all the donut names")
Step 2: How to use collect function to cherry pick all the donut names

scala> val donutNames: Seq[String] = donutNamesandPrices.collect{ case name: String => name }
donutNames: Seq[String] = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 3: How to use collect function to cherry pick all the donut prices")
Step 3: How to use collect function to cherry pick all the donut prices

scala> val donutPrices: Seq[Double] = donutNamesandPrices.collect{ case price: Double => price }
donutPrices: Seq[Double] = List(1.5, 2.0, 2.5)

scala> println(s"Elements of donutPrices = $donutPrices")
Elements of donutPrices = List(1.5, 2.0, 2.5)

def diff(that: GenSet[A]): This

scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize a Set containing 3 donuts")
Step 1: How to initialize a Set containing 3 donuts

scala> val donutBasket1: Set[String] = Set("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
donutBasket1: Set[String] = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println(s"Elements of donutBasket1 = $donutBasket1")
Elements of donutBasket1 = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 2: How to initialize a Set containing 2 donuts")
Step 2: How to initialize a Set containing 2 donuts

scala> val donutBasket2: Set[String] = Set("Glazed Donut", "Vanilla Donut")
donutBasket2: Set[String] = Set(Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)

scala> println(s"Elements of donutBasket2 = $donutBasket2")
Elements of donutBasket2 = Set(Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 3: How to find the difference between two Sets using the diff function")
Step 3: How to find the difference between two Sets using the diff function

scala> val diffDonutBasket1From2: Set[String] = donutBasket1 diff donutBasket2
diffDonutBasket1From2: Set[String] = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut)

scala> println(s"Elements of diffDonutBasket1From2 = $diffDonutBasket1From2")
Elements of diffDonutBasket1From2 = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 4: How to find the difference between two Sets using the diff function")
Step 4: How to find the difference between two Sets using the diff function

scala> val diffDonutBasket2From1: Set[String] = donutBasket2 diff donutBasket1
diffDonutBasket2From1: Set[String] = Set(Vanilla Donut)

scala> println(s"Elements of diff DonutBasket2From1 = $diffDonutBasket2From1")
Elements of diff DonutBasket2From1 = Set(Vanilla Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 5: How to find the difference between two Sets using the --")
Step 5: How to find the difference between two Sets using the --

scala> println(s"Difference between donutBasket1 and donutBasket2 = ${donutBasket1 -- donutBasket2}")

Difference between donutBasket1 and donutBasket2 = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut)
scala> println(s"Difference between donutBasket2 and donutBasket1 = ${donutBasket2 -- donutBasket1}")
Difference between donutBasket2 and donutBasket1 = Set(Vanilla Donut)

def drop(n: Int): Repr
scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts

scala> val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
donuts: Seq[String] = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")
Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 2: How to drop the first element using drop function")
Step 2: How to drop the first element using drop function

scala> println(s"Drop the first element in the sequence = ${donuts.drop(1)}")
Drop the first element in the sequence = List(Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 3: How to drop the first two elements using the drop function")
Step 3: How to drop the first two elements using the drop function

scala> println(s"Drop the first and second elements in the sequence = ${donuts.drop(2)}")
Drop the first and second elements in the sequence = List(Glazed Donut)

def dropWhile(p: (A) ⇒ Boolean): Repr

scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts

scala> val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
donuts: Seq[String] = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")
Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 2: How to drop elements from the sequence using the dropWhile function")
Step 2: How to drop elements from the sequence using the dropWhile function

scala> println(s"Drop donut elements whose name starts with letter P = ${donuts.dropWhile(_.charAt(0) == 'P')}")
Drop donut elements whose name starts with letter P = List(Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
scala> val dropElementsPredicate: (String) => Boolean = (donutName) => donutName.charAt(0) == 'P'
dropElementsPredicate: String => Boolean = <function1>

scala> println(s"Value function dropElementsPredicate = $dropElementsPredicate")
Value function dropElementsPredicate = <function1>

scala> println("\nStep 4: How to drop elements using the predicate function from Step 3")
Step 4: How to drop elements using the predicate function from Step 3

scala> println(s"Drop elements using function from Step 3 = ${donuts.dropWhile(dropElementsPredicate)}")
Drop elements using function from Step 3 = List(Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)


scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts

scala> val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
donuts: Seq[String] = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")
Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 2: How to check if a particular element exists in the sequence using the exists function")
Step 2: How to check if a particular element exists in the sequence using the exists function

scala> val doesPlainDonutExists: Boolean = donuts.exists(donutName => donutName == "Plain Donut")
doesPlainDonutExists: Boolean = true

scala> println(s"Does Plain Donut exists = $doesPlainDonutExists")
Does Plain Donut exists = true

scala> val doesPlainDonutExists: Boolean = donuts.exists(donutName => (donutName == "Plain Donut") || (donutName == "Glazed Donut"))
doesPlainDonutExists: Boolean = true

scala> println("\nStep 3: How to declare a predicate value function for the exists function")
Step 3: How to declare a predicate value function for the exists function

scala> val plainDonutPredicate: (String) => Boolean = (donutName) => donutName == "Plain Donut"
plainDonutPredicate: String => Boolean = <function1>

scala> println(s"Value function plainDonutPredicate = $plainDonutPredicate")
Value function plainDonutPredicate = <function1>

scala> println("\nStep 4: How to find element Plain Donut using the exists function and passing through the predicate function from Step 3")
Step 4: How to find element Plain Donut using the exists function and passing through the predicate function from Step 3

scala> println(s"Does Plain Donut exists = ${donuts.exists(plainDonutPredicate)}")
Does Plain Donut exists = true

scala> println("\nStep 5: How to declare a predicate def function for the exists function")
Step 5: How to declare a predicate def function for the exists function

scala> def plainDonutPredicateFunction(donutName: String): Boolean = donutName == "Plain Donut"
plainDonutPredicateFunction: (donutName: String)Boolean
scala> println("\nStep 6: How to find element Plain Donut using the exists function and passing through the predicate function from Step 5")
Step 6: How to find element Plain Donut using the exists function and passing through the predicate function from Step 5

scala> println(s"Does plain Donut exists = ${donuts.exists(plainDonutPredicateFunction(_))}")
Does plain Donut exists = true

filter and filterNot
def filter(p: (A) ⇒ Boolean): Repr
def filterNot(p: (A) ⇒ Boolean): Repr
scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts

scala> val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut", "Vanilla Donut")
donuts: Seq[String] = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)
scala> println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 2: How to keep only Plain and Glazed Donuts using the filter method")
Step 2: How to keep only Plain and Glazed Donuts using the filter method

scala> val sequenceWithPlainAndGlazedDonut = donuts.filter { donutName =>
     |   donutName.contains("Plain") || donutName.contains("Glazed")
     | }
sequenceWithPlainAndGlazedDonut: Seq[String] = List(Plain Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println(s"Sequence with Plain and Glazed donuts only = $sequenceWithPlainAndGlazedDonut")

Sequence with Plain and Glazed donuts only = List(Plain Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 3: How to filter out element Vanilla Donut using the filterNot function")
Step 3: How to filter out element Vanilla Donut using the filterNot function

scala> val sequenceWithoutVanillaDonut = donuts.filterNot(donutName => donutName == "Vanilla Donut" )
sequenceWithoutVanillaDonut: Seq[String] = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println(s"Sequence without vanilla donut = $sequenceWithoutVanillaDonut")
Sequence without vanilla donut = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

def find(p: (A) ⇒ Boolean): Option[A]
scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts

scala> val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
donuts: Seq[String] = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")
Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 2: How to find a particular element in the sequence using the find function")
Step 2: How to find a particular element in the sequence using the find function

scala> val plainDonut: Option[String] = donuts.find(donutName => donutName == "Plain Donut")
plainDonut: Option[String] = Some(Plain Donut)

scala> println(s"Find Plain Donut = ${plainDonut.get}")
Find Plain Donut = Plain Donut

scala> println("\nStep 3: How to find element Vanilla Donut which does not exist in the sequence using the find function")
Step 3: How to find element Vanilla Donut which does not exist in the sequence using the find function

scala> val vanillaDonut: String = donuts.find(_ == "Vanilla Donut").get
java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
  at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:347)
  at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:345)
  ... 32 elided

scala> println(s"Find Vanilla Donuts = $vanillaDonut")
<console>:12: error: not found: value vanillaDonut
       println(s"Find Vanilla Donuts = $vanillaDonut")
scala> println("\nStep 4: How to find element Vanilla Donut using the find function and getOrElse")
Step 4: How to find element Vanilla Donut using the find function and getOrElse

scala> val vanillaDonut2: String = donuts.find(_ == "Vanilla Donut").getOrElse("Vanilla Donut was not found!")
vanillaDonut2: String = Vanilla Donut was not found!

scala> println(s"Find Vanilla Donuts = $vanillaDonut2")
Find Vanilla Donuts = Vanilla Donut was not found!

def flatMap[B](f: (A) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[B]): TraversableOnce[B]
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to find element Vanilla Donut which does not exist in the sequence using the find 

scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts

scala> val donuts1: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
donuts1: Seq[String] = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println(s"Elements of donuts1 = $donuts1")
Elements of donuts1 = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 2: How to initialize another Sequence of donuts")
Step 2: How to initialize another Sequence of donuts

scala> val donuts2: Seq[String] = Seq("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut")
donuts2: Seq[String] = List(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println(s"Elements of donuts2 = $donuts2")
Elements of donuts2 = List(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 3: How to create a List of donuts initialized using the two Sequences from Step 1 and Step 2")
Step 3: How to create a List of donuts initialized using the two Sequences from Step 1 and Step 2

scala> val listDonuts: List[Seq[String]] = List(donuts1, donuts2)
listDonuts: List[Seq[String]] = List(List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut), List(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut))

scala> println(s"Elements of listDonuts = $listDonuts")
Elements of listDonuts = List(List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut), List(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut))

scala> println("\nStep 4: How to return a single list of donut using the flatMap function")
Step 4: How to return a single list of donut using the flatMap function

scala> val listDonutsFromFlatMap: List[String] = listDonuts.flatMap(seq => seq)
listDonutsFromFlatMap: List[String] = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println(s"Elements of listDonutsFromFlatMap as a flatMap as a single list = $listDonutsFromFlatMap")
Elements of listDonutsFromFlatMap as a flatMap as a single list = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)

def flatten[B]: Traversable[B]

ala> println("\nStep 3: How to find element Vanilla Donut which does not exist in the sequence using the find 

scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts

scala> val donuts1: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
donuts1: Seq[String] = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println(s"Elements of donuts1 = $donuts1")
Elements of donuts1 = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 2: How to initialize another Sequence of donuts")
Step 2: How to initialize another Sequence of donuts

scala> val donuts2: Seq[String] = Seq("Vanilla Donut", "Glazed Donut")
donuts2: Seq[String] = List(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println(s"Elements of donuts2 = $donuts2")
Elements of donuts2 = List(Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println("\nStep 3: How to create a List of donuts initialized using the two Sequences from Step 1 and Step 2")

Step 3: How to create a List of donuts initialized using the two Sequences from Step 1 and Step 2
scala> val listDonuts: List[Seq[String]] = List(donuts1, donuts2)
listDonuts: List[Seq[String]] = List(List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut), List(Vanilla Donut, Glaz

scala> println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts

scala> val donuts1: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain", "Strawberry", "Glazed")
donuts1: Seq[String] = List(Plain, Strawberry, Glazed)

scala> println(s"Elements of donuts1 = $donuts1")
Elements of donuts1 = List(Plain, Strawberry, Glazed)
scala> println("\nStep 2: How to initialize another Sequence of donuts")
Step 2: How to initialize another Sequence of donuts
scala> val donuts2: Seq[String] = Seq("Vanilla", "Glazed")

donuts2: Seq[String] = List(Vanilla, Glazed)
scala> println(s"Elements of donuts2 = $donuts2")
Elements of donuts2 = List(Vanilla, Glazed)
scala> println("\nStep 3: How to create a List of donuts initialized using the two Sequences from Step 1 and Step 2")
Step 3: How to create a List of donuts initialized using the two Sequences from Step 1 and Step 2

scala> val listDonuts: List[Seq[String]] = List(donuts1, donuts2)
listDonuts: List[Seq[String]] = List(List(Plain, Strawberry, Glazed), List(Vanilla, Glazed))

scala> println(s"Elements of listDonuts = $listDonuts")
Elements of listDonuts = List(List(Plain, Strawberry, Glazed), List(Vanilla, Glazed))

scala> println("\nStep 4: How to return a single list of donut using the flatten function")
Step 4: How to return a single list of donut using the flatten function

scala> val listDonutsFromFlatten: List[String] = listDonuts.flatten
listDonutsFromFlatten: List[String] = List(Plain, Strawberry, Glazed, Vanilla, Glazed)

scala> println(s"Elements of listDonutsFromFlatten = $listDonutsFromFlatten")
Elements of listDonutsFromFlatten = List(Plain, Strawberry, Glazed, Vanilla, Glazed)

scala> println("\nStep 5: How to append the word Donut to each element of listDonuts using flatten and map functions")
Step 5: How to append the word Donut to each element of listDonuts using flatten and map functions

scala> val listDonutsFromFlatten2: List[String] = + " Donut")
listDonutsFromFlatten2: List[String] = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)

scala> println(s"Elements of listDonutsFromFlatten2 = $listDonutsFromFlatten2")
Elements of listDonutsFromFlatten2 = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Donut, Glazed Donut)


def fold[A1 >: A](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) ⇒ A1): A1

// Start writing your ScalaFiddle code here

println("Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of donut prices")
val prices: Seq[Double] = Seq(1.5, 2.0, 2.5)
println(s"Donut prices = $prices")

println("\nStep 2: How to sum all the donut prices using fold function")
val sum = prices.fold(0.0)(_ + _)
println(s"Sum = $sum")

println("\nStep 3: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain", "Strawberry", "Glazed")
println(s"Elements of donuts1 = $donuts")

println("\nStep 4: How to create a String of all donuts using fold function")
println(s"All donuts = ${donuts.fold("")((acc, s) => acc + s + " Donut ")}")

println("\nStep 5: How to declare a value function to create the donut string")
val concatDonuts: (String, String) => String = (s1, s2) => s1 + s2 + " Donut "
println(s"Value function concatDonuts = $concatDonuts")

println("\nStep 6: How to create a String of all donuts using value function from Step 5 and fold function")
println(s"All donuts = ${donuts.fold("")(concatDonuts)}") 
Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of donut prices Donut prices = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)

Step 2: How to sum all the donut prices using fold function Sum = 6

Step 3: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts1 = List(Plain, Strawberry, Glazed)

Step 4: How to create a String of all donuts using fold function All donuts = Plain Donut Strawberry Donut Glazed Donut 

Step 5: How to declare a value function to create the donut string Value function concatDonuts = <function2>

Step 6: How to create a String of all donuts using value function from Step 5 and fold function All donuts = Plain Donut Strawberry Donut Glazed Donut 

def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) ⇒ B): B 

println("Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of donut prices")
val prices: Seq[Double] = Seq(1.5, 2.0, 2.5)
println(s"Donut prices = $prices")

println("\nStep 2: How to sum all the donut prices using foldLeft function")
val sum = prices.foldLeft(0.0)(_ + _)
println(s"Sum = $sum")

println("\nStep 3: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain", "Strawberry", "Glazed")
println(s"Elements of donuts1 = $donuts")

println("\nStep 4: How to create a String of all donuts using foldLeft function")
println(s"All donuts = ${donuts.foldLeft("")((a, b) => a + b + " Donut ")}")

println("\nStep 5: How to declare a value function to create the donut string")
val concatDonuts: (String, String) => String = (a, b) => a + b + " Donut "
println(s"Value function concatDonuts = $concatDonuts")

println("\nStep 6: How to create a String of all donuts using value function from Step 5 and foldLeft function")
println(s"All donuts = ${donuts.foldLeft("")(concatDonuts)}") 

Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of donut prices Donut prices = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)

Step 2: How to sum all the donut prices using foldLeft function Sum = 6

Step 3: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts1 = List(Plain, Strawberry, Glazed)

Step 4: How to create a String of all donuts using foldLeft function All donuts = Plain Donut Strawberry Donut Glazed Donut 

Step 5: How to declare a value function to create the donut string Value function concatDonuts = <function2>

Step 6: How to create a String of all donuts using value function from Step 5 and foldLeft function All donuts = Plain Donut Strawberry Donut Glazed Donut 

def foldRight[B](z: B)(op: (A, B) ⇒ B): B 

println("Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of donut prices")
val prices: Seq[Double] = Seq(1.5, 2.0, 2.5)
println(s"Donut prices = $prices")

println("\nStep 2: How to sum all the donut prices using foldRight function")
val sum = prices.foldRight(0.0)(_ + _)
println(s"Sum = $sum")

println("\nStep 3: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain", "Strawberry", "Glazed")
println(s"Elements of donuts1 = $donuts")

println("\nStep 4: How to create a String of all donuts using foldRight function")
println(s"All donuts = ${donuts.foldRight("")((a, b) => a + " Donut " + b)}")

println("\nStep 5: How to declare a value function to create the donut string")
val concatDonuts: (String, String) => String = (a, b) => a + " Donut " + b
println(s"Value function concatDonuts = $concatDonuts")

println("\nStep 6: How to create a String of all donuts using value function from Step 5 and foldRight function")
println(s"All donuts = ${donuts.foldRight("")(concatDonuts)}") 


Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of donut prices Donut prices = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)

Step 2: How to sum all the donut prices using foldRight function Sum = 6

Step 3: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts1 = List(Plain, Strawberry, Glazed)

Step 4: How to create a String of all donuts using foldRight function All donuts = Plain Donut Strawberry Donut Glazed Donut 
 Step 5: How to declare a value function to create the donut string Value function concatDonuts = <function2>

Step 6: How to create a String of all donuts using value function from Step 5 and foldRight function All donuts = Plain Donut Strawberry Donut Glazed Donut 

def foreach(f: (A) ⇒ Unit): Unit

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to loop through all the elements in the sequence using the foreach function")

println("\nStep 3: How to loop through and access all the elements in the sequence using the foreach function")
donuts.foreach(donutName => println(s"donutName = $donutName"))

println("\nStep 4: How to declare a value function to format a donut names into upper case format")
val uppercase: (String) => String = (s) => {
 val upper = s.toUpperCase
println(s"Value function formatting donut names to uppercase = $uppercase")

println("\nStep 5: How to format all donuts to uppercase using value function from Step 4")

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 2: How to loop through all the elements in the sequence using the foreach function Plain Donut Strawberry Donut Glazed Donut

Step 3: How to loop through and access all the elements in the sequence using the foreach function donutName = Plain Donut donutName = Strawberry Donut donutName = Glazed Donut

Step 4: How to declare a value function to format a donut names into upper case format Value function formatting donut names to uppercase = <function1>

Step 5: How to format all donuts to uppercase using value function from Step 4 PLAIN DONUT STRAWBERRY DONUT GLAZED DONUT

groupBy[K](f: (A) ⇒ K): immutable.Map[K, Repr] 

// Start writing your ScalaFiddle code here
println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to group elements in a sequence using the groupBy function")
val donutsGroup: Map[Char, Seq[String]] = donuts.groupBy(_.charAt(0))
println(s"Group elements in the donut sequence by the first letter of the donut name = $donutsGroup")

println("\nStep 3: How to create a case class to represent Donut objects")
case class Donut(name: String, price: Double)

println("\nStep 4: How to create a Sequence of type Donut")
val donuts2: Seq[Donut] = Seq(Donut("Plain Donut", 1.5), Donut("Strawberry Donut", 2.0), Donut("Glazed Donut", 2.5))
println(s"Elements of donuts2 = $donuts2")

println(s"\nStep 5: How to group case classes donut objects by the name property")
val donutsGroup2: Map[String, Seq[Donut]] = donuts2.groupBy(
println(s"Group element in the sequence of type Donut grouped by the donut name = $donutsGroup2") 

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 2: How to group elements in a sequence using the groupBy function Group elements in the donut sequence by the first letter of the donut name = Map(S -> List(Strawberry Donut), G -> List(Glazed Donut), P -> List(Plain Donut))

Step 3: How to create a case class to represent Donut objects

Step 4: How to create a Sequence of type Donut Elements of donuts2 = List(Donut(Plain Donut,1.5), Donut(Strawberry Donut,2), Donut(Glazed Donut,2.5))

Step 5: How to group case classes donut objects by the name property Group element in the sequence of type Donut grouped by the donut name = Map(Glazed Donut -> List(Donut(Glazed Donut,2.5)), Plain Donut -> List(Donut(Plain Donut,1.5)), Strawberry Donut -> List(Donut(Strawberry Donut,2)))

def head: A 

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to access the first element of the donut sequence")
println(s"First element of donut sequence = ${donuts(0)}")

println("\nStep 3: How to access the first element of the donut sequence using the head method")
println(s"First element of donut sequence using head method = ${donuts.head}")

println("\nStep 4: How to create an empty sequence")
val donuts2: Seq[String] = Seq.empty[String]
println(s"Elements of donuts2 = $donuts2")

println("\nStep 5: How to access the first element of the donut sequence using the headOption function")
println(s"First element of empty sequence = ${donuts2.headOption.getOrElse("No donut was found!")}") 

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 2: How to access the first element of the donut sequence First element of donut sequence = Plain Donut

Step 3: How to access the first element of the donut sequence using the head method First element of donut sequence using head method = Plain Donut

Step 4: How to create an empty sequence Elements of donuts2 = List()

Step 5: How to access the first element of the donut sequence using the headOption function First element of empty sequence = No donut was found!

abstract def isEmpty: Boolean

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to find out if a sequence is empty using isEmpty function")
println(s"Is donuts sequence empty = ${donuts.isEmpty}")

println("\nStep 3: How to create an empty sequence")
val donuts2: Seq[String] = Seq.empty[String]
println(s"Elements of donuts2 = $donuts2")

println("\nStep 4: How to find out if a sequence is empty using isEmpty function")
println(s"Is donuts2 sequence empty = ${donuts2.isEmpty}") 

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 2: How to find out if a sequence is empty using isEmpty function Is donuts sequence empty = false

Step 3: How to create an empty sequence Elements of donuts2 = List()

Step 4: How to find out if a sequence is empty using isEmpty function Is donuts2 sequence empty = true

Intersect function
def intersect(that: GenSet[A]): Repr
// Start writing your ScalaFiddle code here
println("Step 1: How to initialize a Set of donuts")
val donuts1: Set[String] = Set("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts1 = $donuts1")

println("\nStep 2: How to initialize another Set of donuts")
val donuts2: Set[String] = Set("Plain Donut", "Chocolate Donut", "Vanilla Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts2 = $donuts2")

println("\nStep 3: How to find the common elements between two Sets using intersect function")
println(s"Common elements between donuts1 and donuts2 = ${donuts1 intersect donuts2}")
println(s"Common elements between donuts2 and donuts1 = ${donuts2 intersect donuts1}")

println("\nStep 4: How to find the common elements between two Sets using & function")
println(s"Common elements between donuts1 and donuts2 = ${donuts1 & donuts2}")
println(s"Common elements between donuts2 and donuts1 = ${donuts2 & donuts1}")

Step 1: How to initialize a Set of donuts Elements of donuts1 = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 2: How to initialize another Set of donuts Elements of donuts2 = Set(Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)

Step 3: How to find the common elements between two Sets using intersect function Common elements between donuts1 and donuts2 = Set(Plain Donut) Common elements between donuts2 and donuts1 = Set(Plain Donut)

Step 4: How to find the common elements between two Sets using & function Common elements between donuts1 and donuts2 = Set(Plain Donut) Common elements between donuts2 and donuts1 = Set(Plain Donut)

def last: A

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to access the last element of the donut sequence by index")
println(s"Last element of donut sequence = ${donuts(donuts.size - 1)}")

println("\nStep 3: How to access the last element of the donut sequence by using the last function")
println(s"Last element of donut sequence = ${donuts.last}")

println("\nStep 4: How to create an empty sequence")
val donuts2: Seq[String] = Seq.empty[String]
println(s"Elements of donuts2 = $donuts2")

println("\nStep 5: How to access the last element of the donut sequence using the lastOption function")
println(s"Last element of empty sequence = ${donuts2.lastOption.getOrElse("No donut was found!")}") 

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 2: How to access the last element of the donut sequence by index Last element of donut sequence = Glazed Donut

Step 3: How to access the last element of the donut sequence by using the last function Last element of donut sequence = Glazed Donut
 Step 4: How to create an empty sequence Elements of donuts2 = List()

Step 5: How to access the last element of the donut sequence using the lastOption function Last element of empty sequence = No donut was found!

def map[B](f: (A) ⇒ B): Traversable[B]

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts1: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain", "Strawberry", "Glazed")
println(s"Elements of donuts1 = $donuts1")

println("\nStep 2: How to append the word Donut to each element using the map function")
val donuts2: Seq[String] = " Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts2 = $donuts2")

println("\nStep 3: How to create a donut sequence with one None element")
val donuts3: Seq[AnyRef] = Seq("Plain", "Strawberry", None)

println("\nStep 4: How to filter out the None element using map function")
val donuts4: Seq[String] = {
 case donut: String => donut + " Donut"
 case None => "Unknown Donut"
println(s"Elements of donuts4 = $donuts4")

println("\nStep 5: How to define couple of functions which returns an Option of type String")
def favoriteDonut: Option[String] = Some("Glazed Donut")

def leastFavoriteDonut: Option[String] = None

println("\nStep 6: How to use map function to filter out None values") => println(s"Favorite donut = $donut"))> println(s"Least favorite donut = $donut"))

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts1 = List(Plain, Strawberry, Glazed)

Step 2: How to append the word Donut to each element using the map function Elements of donuts2 = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 3: How to create a donut sequence with one None element Plain Strawberry None

Step 4: How to filter out the None element using map function Elements of donuts4 = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Unknown Donut)

Step 5: How to define couple of functions which returns an Option of type String

Step 6: How to use map function to filter out None values Favorite donut = Glazed Donut

Max function:
def max: A 

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to find the maximum element in the sequence using the max
println(s"Max element in the donuts sequence = ${donuts.max}")

println("\nStep 3: How to initialize donut prices")
val prices: Seq[Double] = Seq(1.50, 2.0, 2.50)
println(s"Elements of prices = $prices")

println("\nStep 4: How to find the maximum element in the sequence using the max function")
println(s"Max element in the donut prices sequence = ${prices.max}")

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 2: How to find the maximum element in the sequence using the max function Max element in the donuts sequence = Strawberry Donut

Step 3: How to initialize donut prices Elements of prices = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)

Step 4: How to find the maximum element in the sequence using the max function Max element in the donut prices sequence = 2.5

def maxBy[B](f: (A) ⇒ B): A 

println("Step 1: How to create a case class to represent Donut object")
case class Donut(name: String, price: Double)

println("\nStep 2: How to create a Sequence of type Donut")
val donuts: Seq[Donut] = Seq(Donut("Plain Donut", 1.5), Donut("Strawberry Donut", 2.0), Donut("Glazed Donut", 2.5))
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 3: How to find the maximum element in a sequence of case classes objects using the maxBy function")
println(s"Maximum element in sequence of case class of type Donut, ordered by price = ${donuts.maxBy(donut => donut.price)}")

println("\nStep 4: How to declare a value predicate function for maxBy function")
val donutsMaxBy: (Donut) => Double = (donut) => donut.price
println(s"Value function donutMaxBy = $donutsMaxBy")

println("\nStep 5: How to find the maximum element using maxBy function and pass through the predicate function from Step 4")
println(s"Maximum element in sequence using function from Step 3 = ${donuts.maxBy(donutsMaxBy)}")

Step 1: How to create a case class to represent Donut object

Step 2: How to create a Sequence of type Donut Elements of donuts = List(Donut(Plain Donut,1.5), Donut(Strawberry Donut,2), Donut(Glazed Donut,2.5))

Step 3: How to find the maximum element in a sequence of case classes objects using the maxBy function Maximum element in sequence of case class of type Donut, ordered by price = Donut(Glazed Donut,2.5)

Step 4: How to declare a value predicate function for maxBy function Value function donutMaxBy = <function1>

Step 5: How to find the maximum element using maxBy function and pass through the predicate function from Step 4 Maximum element in sequence using function from Step 3 = Donut(Glazed Donut,2.5)

def min: A
println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to find the minimum element in the sequence using the min function")
println(s"Min element in the donuts sequence = ${donuts.min}")

println("\nStep 3: How to initialize a Sequence of donut prices")
val prices: Seq[Double] = Seq(1.50, 2.0, 2.50)
println(s"Elements of prices = $prices")

println("\nStep 4: How to find the minimum element in the sequence using the min function")
println(s"Min element in the donut prices sequence = ${prices.min}")

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to find the minimum element in the sequence using the min function")
println(s"Min element in the donuts sequence = ${donuts.min}")

println("\nStep 3: How to initialize a Sequence of donut prices")
val prices: Seq[Double] = Seq(1.50, 2.0, 2.50)
println(s"Elements of prices = $prices")

println("\nStep 4: How to find the minimum element in the sequence using the min function")
println(s"Min element in the donut prices sequence = ${prices.min}")

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 2: How to find the minimum element in the sequence using the min function Min element in the donuts sequence = Glazed Donut

Step 3: How to initialize a Sequence of donut prices Elements of prices = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)

Step 4: How to find the minimum element in the sequence using the min function Min element in the donut prices sequence = 1.5

def minBy[B](f: (A) ⇒ B): A

// Start writing your ScalaFiddle code here
println("Step 1: How to create case class to represent Donut object")
case class Donut(name: String, price: Double)

println("\nStep 2: How to create a Sequence of type Donut")
val donuts: Seq[Donut] = Seq(Donut("Plain Donut", 1.5), Donut("Strawberry Donut", 2.0), Donut("Glazed Donut", 2.5))
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 3: How to find the minimum element in a sequence of case classes using the minBy function")
println(s"Minimum element in sequence of case class of type Donut, ordered by price = ${donuts.minBy(donut => donut.price)}")

println("\nStep 4: How to declare a value predicate function for minBy function")
val donutsMinBy: (Donut) => Double = (donut) => donut.price
println(s"Value function donutMinBy = $donutsMinBy")

println("\nStep 5: How to find the minimum element using minBy function and passing through the predicate function from Step 4")
println(s"Minimum element in sequence using function from Step 3 = ${donuts.minBy(donutsMinBy)}")

Step 1: How to create case class to represent Donut object

Step 2: How to create a Sequence of type Donut Elements of donuts = List(Donut(Plain Donut,1.5), Donut(Strawberry Donut,2), Donut(Glazed Donut,2.5))

Step 3: How to find the minimum element in a sequence of case classes using the minBy function Minimum element in sequence of case class of type Donut, ordered by price = Donut(Plain Donut,1.5)

Step 4: How to declare a value predicate function for minBy function Value function donutMinBy = <function1>

Step 5: How to find the minimum element using minBy function and passing through the predicate function from Step 4 Minimum element in sequence using function from Step 3 = Donut(Plain Donut,1.5)

def mkString: String

def mkString(sep: String): String

def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to concatenate the elements of a sequence into a String using mkString function")
val donutsAsString: String = donuts.mkString(" and ")
println(s"Donuts elements using mkString function = $donutsAsString")

println("\nStep 3: How to concatenate the elements of a sequence into a String using mkString and specifying prefix and suffix")
val donutsWithPrefixAndSuffix: String = donuts.mkString("My favorite donuts namely ", " and ", " are very tasty!")

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 2: How to concatenate the elements of a sequence into a String using mkString function Donuts elements using mkString function = Plain Donut and Strawberry Donut and Glazed Donut

Step 3: How to concatenate the elements of a sequence into a String using mkString and specifying prefix and suffix My favorite donuts namely Plain Donut and Strawberry Donut and Glazed Donut are very tasty!

def nonEmpty: Boolean

// Start writing your ScalaFiddle code here
println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to check if a sequence is not empty using nonEmpty function")
println(s"Is donuts sequence NOT empty = ${donuts.nonEmpty}")

println("\nStep 3: How to create an empty sequence")
val emptyDonuts: Seq[String] = Seq.empty[String]
println(s"Elements of emptyDonuts = $emptyDonuts")

println("\nStep 4: How to find out if sequence is empty using nonEmpty function")
println(s"Is emptyDonuts sequence empty = ${emptyDonuts.nonEmpty}")

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 2: How to check if a sequence is not empty using nonEmpty function Is donuts sequence NOT empty = true

Step 3: How to create an empty sequence Elements of emptyDonuts = List()

Step 4: How to find out if sequence is empty using nonEmpty function Is emptyDonuts sequence empty = false

println("Step 1: How to initialize an Immutable Sequence of various donut flavours")
val donutFlavours: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain", "Strawberry", "Glazed")
println(s"Elements of donutFlavours immutable sequence = $donutFlavours")

println("\nStep 2: Convert the Immutable donut flavours Sequence into Parallel Collection")
import scala.collection.parallel.ParSeq
val donutFlavoursParallel: ParSeq[String] = donutFlavours.par

println("\nStep 3: How to use Scala Parallel Collection")
val donuts: ParSeq[String] = => s"$d donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts parallel collection = $donuts")

Scala Parallel Collection
Elements of donuts parallel collection = ParVector(Plain donut, Strawberry donut, Glazed donut)

def partition(p: (A) ⇒ Boolean): (Repr, Repr) 

println("Step 1: How to initialize a sequence which contains donut names and prices")
val donutNamesAndPrices: Seq[Any] = Seq("Plain Donut", 1.5, "Strawberry Donut", 2.0, "Glazed Donut", 2.5)
println(s"Elements of donutNamesAndPrices = $donutNamesAndPrices")

println("\nStep 2: How to split the sequence by the element types using partition function")
val namesAndPrices: (Seq[Any], Seq[Any]) = donutNamesAndPrices.partition {
  case name: String => true
  case price: Double => false
println(s"Elements of namesAndPrices = $namesAndPrices")

println("\nStep 3: How to access the donut String sequence from Step 2")
println(s"Donut names = ${namesAndPrices._1}")

val (donutNames, donutPrices) = donutNamesAndPrices.partition {
  case name: String => true
  case _ => false
println(s"donutNames = $donutNames")
println(s"donutPrices = $donutPrices")

Step 1: How to initialize a sequence which contains donut names and prices Elements of donutNamesAndPrices = List(Plain Donut, 1.5, Strawberry Donut, 2, Glazed Donut, 2.5)

Step 2: How to split the sequence by the element types using partition function Elements of namesAndPrices = (List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut),List(1.5, 2, 2.5))

Step 3: How to access the donut String sequence from Step 2 Donut names = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut) donutNames = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut) donutPrices = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)

def reduce[A1 >: A](op: (A1, A1) ⇒ A1): A1 

println("Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of donut prices")
val donutPrices: Seq[Double] = Seq(1.5, 2.0, 2.5)
println(s"Elements of donutPrices = $donutPrices")

println("\nStep 2: How to find the sum of the elements using reduce function")
val sum: Double = donutPrices.reduce(_ + _)
println(s"Sum of elements from donutPrices = $sum")

println("\nStep 3: How to find the sum of elements using reduce function explicitly")
val sum1: Double = donutPrices.reduce((a, b) => a + b)
println(s"Sum of elements from donutPrices by calling reduce function explicitly= $sum1")

println("\nStep 4: How to find the cheapest donut using reduce function")
println(s"Cheapest donut price = ${donutPrices.reduce(_ min _)}")

println("\nStep 5: How to find the most expensive donut using reduce function")
println(s"Most expensive donut price = ${donutPrices.reduce(_ max _)}")

println("\nStep 6: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 7: How to concatenate the elements from the sequence using reduce function")
println(s"Elements of donuts sequence concatenated = ${donuts.reduce((left, right) => left + ", " + right)}")

println("\nStep 8: How to declare a value function to concatenate donut names")
val concatDonutNames: (String, String) => String = (left, right) => {
 left + ", " + right
println(s"Value function concatDonutNames = $concatDonutNames")

println(s"Elements of donuts sequence concatenated by passing function to the reduce function = ${donuts reduce concatDonutNames}")

println("\nStep 10: How to use option reduce to avoid exception if the collection is empty")
println(s"Using reduce option will NOT throw any exception = ${Seq.empty[String].reduceOption(_ + ", " + _)}")

Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of donut prices Elements of donutPrices = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)

Step 2: How to find the sum of the elements using reduce function Sum of elements from donutPrices = 6

Step 3: How to find the sum of elements using reduce function explicitly Sum of elements from donutPrices by calling reduce function explicitly= 6

Step 4: How to find the cheapest donut using reduce function Cheapest donut price = 1.5

Step 5: How to find the most expensive donut using reduce function Most expensive donut price = 2.5

Step 6: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 7: How to concatenate the elements from the sequence using reduce function Elements of donuts sequence concatenated = Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut

Step 8: How to declare a value function to concatenate donut names Value function concatDonutNames = <function2> Elements of donuts sequence concatenated by passing function to the reduce function = Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut

Step 10: How to use option reduce to avoid exception if the collection is empty Using reduce option will NOT throw any exception = None

def reduceLeft[B >: A](op: (B, A) ⇒ B): B 

println("Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of donut prices")
val donutPrices: Seq[Double] = Seq(1.5, 2.0, 2.5)
println(s"Elements of donutPrices = $donutPrices")

println("\nStep 2: How to find the sum of the elements using reduceLeft function")
val sum: Double = donutPrices.reduceLeft(_ + _)
println(s"Sum of elements from donutPrices = $sum")

println("\nStep 3: How to find the sum of elements using reduceLeft function explicitly")
val sum1: Double = donutPrices.reduceLeft((a, b) => a + b)
println(s"Sum of elements from donutPrices by calling reduceLeft function explicitly= $sum1")

println("\nStep 4: How to find the cheapest donut using reduceLeft function")
println(s"Cheapest donut price = ${donutPrices.reduceLeft(_ min _)}")

println("\nStep 5: How to find the most expensive donut using reduceLeft function")
println(s"Most expensive donut price = ${donutPrices.reduceLeft(_ max _)}")

println("\nStep 6: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 7: How to concatenate the elements from the sequence using reduceLeft function")
println(s"Elements of donuts sequence concatenated = ${donuts.reduceLeft((left, right) => left + ", " + right)}")

println("\nStep 8: How to declare a value function to concatenate donut names")
val concatDonutNames: (String, String) => String = (left, right) => {
 left + ", " + right
println(s"Value function concatDonutNames = $concatDonutNames")

println("\nStep 9: How to pass a function to reduceLeft function")
println(s"Elements of donuts sequence concatenated by passing function to the reduceLeft function = ${donuts reduceLeft concatDonutNames}")

println("\nStep 10: How to use reduceLeftOption to avoid exception if the collection is empty")
println(s"Using reduceLeftOption will NOT throw any exception = ${Seq.empty[String].reduceLeftOption(_ + ", " + _)}")

Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of donut prices Elements of donutPrices = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)

Step 2: How to find the sum of the elements using reduceLeft function Sum of elements from donutPrices = 6

Step 3: How to find the sum of elements using reduceLeft function explicitly Sum of elements from donutPrices by calling reduceLeft function explicitly= 6

Step 4: How to find the cheapest donut using reduceLeft function Cheapest donut price = 1.5

Step 5: How to find the most expensive donut using reduceLeft function Most expensive donut price = 2.5

Step 6: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts
Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 7: How to concatenate the elements from the sequence using reduceLeft function Elements of donuts sequence concatenated = Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut

Step 8: How to declare a value function to concatenate donut names Value function concatDonutNames = <function2>

Step 9: How to pass a function to reduceLeft function Elements of donuts sequence concatenated by passing function to the reduceLeft function = Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut

Step 10: How to use reduceLeftOption to avoid exception if the collection is empty Using reduceLeftOption will NOT throw any exception = None

As per the Scala documentation, the definition of the reduceRight method is as follows: def reduceRight[B >: A](op: (B, A) ⇒ B): B

  def reduceRight[B >: A](op: (A, B) => B): B = {     if (isEmpty)       throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty.reduceRight")

    reversed.reduceLeft[B]((x, y) => op(y, x))   }

println("Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of donut prices")
val donutPrices: Seq[Double] = Seq(1.5, 2.0, 2.5)
println(s"Elements of donutPrices = $donutPrices")

println("\nStep 2: How to find the sum of the elements using reduceRight function")
val sum: Double = donutPrices.reduceRight(_ + _)
println(s"Sum of elements from donutPrices = $sum")

println("\nStep 3: How to find the sum of elements using reduceRight function explicitly")
val sum1: Double = donutPrices.reduceRight((a, b) => a + b)
println(s"Sum of elements from donutPrices by calling reduceRight function explicitly= $sum1")

println("\nStep 4: How to find the cheapest donut using reduceRight function")
println(s"Cheapest donut price = ${donutPrices.reduceRight(_ min _)}")

println(s"Most expensive donut price = ${donutPrices.reduceRight(_ max _)}")

println("\nStep 6: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 7: How to concatenate the elements from the sequence using reduceRight function")
println(s"Elements of donuts sequence concatenated = ${donuts.reduceRight((left, right) => left + ", " + right)}")

println("\nStep 7: How to concatenate the elements from the sequence using reduceRight function")
println(s"Elements of donuts sequence concatenated = ${donuts.reduceRight((left, right) => left + ", " + right)}")

println("\nStep 8: How to declare a value function to concatenate donut names")
val concatDonutNames: (String, String) => String = (left, right) => {
 left + ", " + right
println(s"Value function concatDonutNames = $concatDonutNames")

println("\nStep 9: How to pass a function to reduceRight function")
println(s"Elements of donuts sequence concatenated by passing function to the reduceRight function = ${donuts reduceRight concatDonutNames}")

println("\nStep 10: How to use reduceRightOption to avoid exception if the collection is empty")
println(s"Using reduceRightOption will NOT throw any exception = ${Seq.empty[String].reduceRightOption(_ + ", " + _)}")

Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of donut prices Elements of donutPrices = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)

Step 2: How to find the sum of the elements using reduceRight function Sum of elements from donutPrices = 6

Step 3: How to find the sum of elements using reduceRight function explicitly Sum of elements from donutPrices by calling reduceRight function explicitly= 6

Step 4: How to find the cheapest donut using reduceRight function Cheapest donut price = 1.5 Most expensive donut price = 2.5

Step 6: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 7: How to concatenate the elements from the sequence using reduceRight function Elements of donuts sequence concatenated = Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut

Step 7: How to concatenate the elements from the sequence using reduceRight function Elements of donuts sequence concatenated = Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut

Step 8: How to declare a value function to concatenate donut names Value function concatDonutNames = <function2>

Step 9: How to pass a function to reduceRight function Elements of donuts sequence concatenated by passing function to the reduceRight function = Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut 

 Step 10: How to use reduceRightOption to avoid exception if the collection is empty Using reduceRightOption will NOT throw any exception = None

def reverse: Repr 

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to get the elements of the sequence in reverse using the reverse method")
println(s"Elements of donuts in reversed order = ${donuts.reverse}")

println("\nStep 3: How to access each reversed element using reverse and foreach methods")
donuts.reverse.foreach(donut => println(s"donut = $donut")) 

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 2: How to get the elements of the sequence in reverse using the reverse method Elements of donuts in reversed order = List(Glazed Donut, Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut)

Step 3: How to access each reversed element using reverse and foreach methods donut = Glazed Donut donut = Strawberry Donut donut = Plain Donut

def reverseIterator: Iterator[A] 

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to print all elements in reversed order using reverseIterator function")
println(s"Elements of donuts in reversed order = ${donuts.reverseIterator.toList}")

println("\nStep 3: How to iterate through elements using foreach method")
val reverseIterator: Iterator[String] = donuts.reverseIterator
reverseIterator.foreach(donut => println(s"donut = $donut"))

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 2: How to print all elements in reversed order using reverseIterator function Elements of donuts in reversed order = List(Glazed Donut, Strawberry Donut, Plain Donut)

Step 3: How to iterate through elements using foreach method donut = Glazed Donut donut = Strawberry Donut donut = Plain Donut

def scan[B >: A, That](z: B)(op: (B, B) ⇒ B)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That 

Scan method iterations
0 + 1             =  1
1 + 2             =  3
1 + 2 + 3         =  6
1 + 2 + 3 + 4     = 10
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15

println("Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of numbers")
val numbers: Seq[Int] = Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
println(s"Elements of numbers = $numbers")

println("\nStep 2: How to create a running total using the scan function")
val runningTotal: Seq[Int] = numbers.scan(0)(_ + _)
println(s"Running total of all elements in the collection = $runningTotal")

println("\nStep 3: How to create a running total using the scan function explicitly")
val runningTotal2: Seq[Int] = numbers.scan(0)((a, b) => a + b)
println(s"Running total of all elements in the collection = $runningTotal2")

Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of numbers Elements of numbers = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Step 2: How to create a running total using the scan function Running total of all elements in the collection = List(0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15)

Step 3: How to create a running total using the scan function explicitly Running total of all elements in the collection = List(0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15)

Scala Left:
def scanLeft[B, That](z: B)(op: (B, A) ⇒ B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That
0 + 1             =    1 1 + 2             =    3 1 + 2 + 3         =    6 1 + 2 + 3 + 4     =   10 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 =   15 

println("Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of numbers")
val numbers: Seq[Int] = Seq(1, 3, 3, 4, 5)
println(s"Elements of numbers = $numbers")

println("\nStep 2: How to create a running total using the scanLeft function")
val runningTotal: Seq[Int] = numbers.scanLeft(0)(_ + _)
println(s"Running total of all elements in the collection = $runningTotal")

println("\nStep 3: How to create a running total using the scanLeft function explicitly")
val runningTotal2: Seq[Int] = numbers.scanLeft(0)((a, b) => a + b)
println(s"Running total of all elements in the collection = $runningTotal2")

Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of numbers Elements of numbers = List(1, 3, 3, 4, 5)

Step 2: How to create a running total using the scanLeft function Running total of all elements in the collection = List(0, 1, 4, 7, 11, 16)

Step 3: How to create a running total using the scanLeft function explicitly Running total of all elements in the collection = List(0, 1, 4, 7, 11, 16)

def scanRight[B, That](z: B)(op: (A, B) ⇒ B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That
5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 15 5 + 4 + 3 + 2     = 14 5 + 4 + 3         = 12 5 + 4             =  9 5 + 0             =  5 0 =  0

println("Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of numbers")
val numbers: Seq[Int] = Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
println(s"Elements of numbers = $numbers")

println("\nStep 2: How to create a running total using the scanRight function")
val runningTotal: Seq[Int] = numbers.scanRight(0)(_ + _)
println(s"Running total of all elements in the collection = $runningTotal")

println("\nStep 3: How to create a running total using the scanRight function explicitly")
val runningTotal2: Seq[Int] = numbers.scanRight(0)((a, b) => a + b)
println(s"Running total of all elements in the collection = $runningTotal2")

Step 1: How to initialize a sequence of numbers Elements of numbers = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Step 2: How to create a running total using the scanRight function Running total of all elements in the collection = List(15, 14, 12, 9, 5, 0)

Step 3: How to create a running total using the scanRight function explicitly Running total of all elements in the collection = List(15, 14, 12, 9, 5, 0)

def size: Int 

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to count the number of elements in the sequence using size function")
println(s"Size of donuts sequence = ${donuts.size}")

println("\nStep 3: How to use the count function")
println(s"Number of times element Plain Donut appear in donuts sequence = ${donuts.count(_ == "Plain Donut")}") 

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 2: How to count the number of elements in the sequence using size function Size of donuts sequence = 3

Step 3: How to use the count function Number of times element Plain Donut appear in donuts sequence = 1

def slice(from: Int, until: Int): Repr

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to take a section from the sequence using the slice function")
println(s"Take elements from the sequence from index 0 to 1 = ${donuts.slice(0,1)}")
println(s"Take elements from the sequence from index 0 to 2 = ${donuts.slice(0,2)}")
println(s"Take elements from the sequence from index 0 to 3 = ${donuts.slice(1,3)}")

println("\nStep 3: Slice function where the index is out of range")
println(s"Take elements from the sequence from index 0 to 4 = ${donuts.slice(0,4)}")

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 2: How to take a section from the sequence using the slice function Take elements from the sequence from index 0 to 1 = List(Plain Donut) Take elements from the sequence from index 0 to 2 = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut) Take elements from the sequence from index 0 to 3 = List(Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

Step 3: Slice function where the index is out of range Take elements from the sequence from index 0 to 4 = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

def sortBy[B](f: (A) ⇒ B)(implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]): Repr

// Start writing your ScalaFiddle code here
println("\nStep 1: How to create a case class to represent Donut objects")
case class Donut(name: String, price: Double)

println("\nStep 2: How to create a Sequence of type Donut")
val donuts: Seq[Donut] = Seq(Donut("Plain Donut", 1.5), Donut("Strawberry Donut", 2.0), Donut("Glazed Donut", 2.5))

println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")
println("\nStep 3: How to sort a sequence of case class objects using the sortBy function")
println(s"Sort a sequence of case class objects of type Donut, sorted by price = ${donuts.sortBy(donut => donut.price)}")

Step 1: How to create a case class to represent Donut objects
Step 2: How to create a Sequence of type Donut
Elements of donuts = List(Donut(Plain Donut,1.5), Donut(Strawberry Donut,2), Donut(Glazed Donut,2.5))
Step 3: How to sort a sequence of case class objects using the sortBy function
Sort a sequence of case class objects of type Donut, sorted by price = List(Donut(Plain Donut,1.5), Donut(Strawberry Donut,2), Donut(Glazed Donut,2.5))

def sorted[B >: A](implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]): Repr

println("Step 1: How to initialize donut prices")
val prices: Seq[Double] = Seq(1.50, 2.0, 2.50)
println(s"Elements of prices = $prices")
println("\nStep 2: How to sort a sequence of type Double using the sorted function")
println(s"Sort a sequence of type Double by their natural ordering = ${prices.sorted}")

println("\nStep 3: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")
println("\nStep 4: How to sort a sequence of type String using the sorted function")
println(s"Sort a sequence of type String by their natural ordering = ${donuts.sorted}")

Step 1: How to initialize donut prices
Elements of prices = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)
Step 2: How to sort a sequence of type Double using the sorted function
Sort a sequence of type Double by their natural ordering = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)
Step 3: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts
Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Step 4: How to sort a sequence of type String using the sorted function
Sort a sequence of type String by their natural ordering = List(Glazed Donut, Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut)

def sortWith(lt: (A, A) ⇒ Boolean): Repr

println("\nStep 1: How to create a case class to represent Donut objects")
case class Donut(name: String, price: Double)
println("\nStep 2: How to create a Sequence of type Donut")
val donuts: Seq[Donut] = Seq(Donut("Plain Donut", 1.5), Donut("Strawberry Donut", 2.0), Donut("Glazed Donut", 2.5))
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 3: How to sort a sequence of case class objects using the sortWith function")
println(s"Sort a sequence of case classes of type Donut, sorted with price = ${donuts.sortWith(_.price < _.price)}")

println("\nStep 4: How to sort a sequence of case class objects in ascending order using the sortWith function")
println(s"Sort a sequence of case classes of type Donut, sorted with price in ascending order = ${donuts.sortWith(_.price < _.price)}")
println(s"Sort a sequence of case classes of type Donut, sorted with price in ascending order explicitly = ${donuts.sortWith((d1,d2) => d1.price < d2.price)}")

Step 1: How to create a case class to represent Donut objects
Step 2: How to create a Sequence of type Donut
Elements of donuts = List(Donut(Plain Donut,1.5), Donut(Strawberry Donut,2), Donut(Glazed Donut,2.5))
Step 3: How to sort a sequence of case class objects using the sortWith function
Sort a sequence of case classes of type Donut, sorted with price = List(Donut(Plain Donut,1.5), Donut(Strawberry Donut,2), Donut(Glazed Donut,2.5))
Step 4: How to sort a sequence of case class objects in ascending order using the sortWith function
Sort a sequence of case classes of type Donut, sorted with price in ascending order = List(Donut(Plain Donut,1.5), Donut(Strawberry Donut,2), Donut(Glazed Donut,2.5))
Sort a sequence of case classes of type Donut, sorted with price in ascending order explicitly = List(Donut(Plain Donut,1.5), Donut(Strawberry Donut,2), Donut(Glazed Donut,2.5))

def tail: Repr
println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to return all elements in the sequence except the head using the tail function")
println(s"Elements of donuts excluding the head = ${donuts.tail}")
println("\nStep 3: How to access the last element of the donut sequence by using the last function")
println(s"Last element of donut sequence = ${donuts.last}")

println("\nStep 4: How to access the first element of the donut sequence by using the head function")
println(s"First element of donut sequence = ${donuts.head}")

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts
Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Step 2: How to return all elements in the sequence except the head using the tail function
Elements of donuts excluding the head = List(Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Step 3: How to access the last element of the donut sequence by using the last function
Last element of donut sequence = Glazed Donut
Step 4: How to access the first element of the donut sequence by using the head function
First element of donut sequence = Plain Donut

Take function:
def take(n: Int): Repr

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")
println("\nStep 2: How to take elements from the sequence using the take function")
println(s"Take the first donut element in the sequence = ${donuts.take(1)}")
println(s"Take the first and second donut elements in the sequence = ${donuts.take(2)}")
println(s"Take the first, second and third donut elements in the sequence = ${donuts.take(3)}")                                                                          

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts
Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Step 2: How to take elements from the sequence using the take function
Take the first donut element in the sequence = List(Plain Donut)
Take the first and second donut elements in the sequence = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut)
Take the first, second and third donut elements in the sequence = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

def takeRight(n: Int): Repr

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to take the last N elements using the takeRight function")
println(s"Take the last donut element in the sequence = ${donuts.takeRight(1)}")
println(s"Take the last two donut elements in the sequence = ${donuts.takeRight(2)}")
println(s"Take the last three donut elements in the sequence = ${donuts.takeRight(3)}")

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts
Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Step 2: How to take the last N elements using the takeRight function
Take the last donut element in the sequence = List(Glazed Donut)
Take the last two donut elements in the sequence = List(Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Take the last three donut elements in the sequence = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

def takeWhile(p: (A) ⇒ Boolean): Repr
println("Step 1: How to initialize a List of donuts")

val donuts: Seq[String] = List("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts") 
println("\nStep 2: How to take elements from the List using the takeWhile function")
println(s"Take donut elements which start with letter P = ${donuts.takeWhile(_.charAt(0) == 'P')}")
println("\nStep 3: How to declare a predicate function to be passed-through to the takeWhile function")

val takeDonutPredicate: (String) => Boolean = (donutName) => donutName.charAt(0) == 'P'
println(s"Value function takeDonutPredicate = $takeDonutPredicate")

println("\nStep 4: How to take elements using the predicate function from Step 3")
println(s"Take elements using function from Step 3 = ${donuts.takeWhile(takeDonutPredicate)}")

Step 1: How to initialize a List of donuts
Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Step 2: How to take elements from the List using the takeWhile function
Take donut elements which start with letter P = List(Plain Donut)
Step 3: How to declare a predicate function to be passed-through to the takeWhile function
Value function takeDonutPredicate = <function1>
Step 4: How to take elements using the predicate function from Step 3
Take elements using function from Step 3 = List(Plain Donut)
def transpose[B](implicit asTraversable: (A) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[B]): CC[CC[B]]

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to initialize donut prices")
val prices: Seq[Double] = Seq(1.50, 2.0, 2.50)
println(s"Elements of prices = $prices")

println("\nStep 3: How to create a List of donuts and prices")
val donutList = List(donuts, prices)
println(s"Sequence of donuts and prices = $donutList")

println("\nStep 4: How to pair each element from both donuts and prices Sequences using the transpose function")
println(s"Transposed list of donuts paired with their individual prices = ${donutList.transpose}")

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts
Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Step 2: How to initialize donut prices
Elements of prices = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)
Step 3: How to create a List of donuts and prices
Sequence of donuts and prices = List(List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut), List(1.5, 2, 2.5))
Step 4: How to pair each element from both donuts and prices Sequences using the transpose function
Transposed list of donuts paired with their individual prices = List(List(Plain Donut, 1.5), List(Strawberry Donut, 2), List(Glazed Donut, 2.5))

def union(that: GenSet[A]): This
println("Step 1: How to initialize a Set of donuts")
val donuts1: Set[String] = Set("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts1 = $donuts1")
println("\nStep 2: How to initialize another Set of donuts")
val donuts2: Set[String] = Set("Plain Donut", "Chocolate Donut", "Vanilla Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts2 = $donuts2")

println("\nStep 3: How to merge two Sets using union function")
println(s"Union of Sets donuts1 and donuts2 = ${donuts1 union donuts2}")
println(s"Union of Sets donuts2 and donuts1 = ${donuts2 union donuts1}")

println("\nStep 4: How to merge two Sets using ++ function")
println(s"Union of Sets donuts1 and donuts2 = ${donuts1 ++ donuts2}")
println(s"Union of Sets donuts2 and donuts1 = ${donuts2 ++ donuts1}")

Step 1: How to initialize a Set of donuts
Elements of donuts1 = Set(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Step 2: How to initialize another Set of donuts
Elements of donuts2 = Set(Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut, Vanilla Donut)
Step 3: How to merge two Sets using union function
Union of Sets donuts1 and donuts2 = Set(Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Union of Sets donuts2 and donuts1 = Set(Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Step 4: How to merge two Sets using ++ function
Union of Sets donuts1 and donuts2 = Set(Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Union of Sets donuts2 and donuts1 = Set(Vanilla Donut, Plain Donut, Chocolate Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)

def unzip[A1, A2](implicit asPair: (A) ⇒ (A1, A2)): (CC[A1], CC[A2])

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to initialize a Sequence of donut prices")
val donutPrices = Seq[Double](1.5, 2.0, 2.5)
println(s"Elements of donut prices = $donutPrices")
println("\nStep 3: How to zip the donuts Sequence with their corresponding prices")
val zippedDonutsAndPrices: Seq[(String, Double)] = donuts zip donutPrices
println(s"Zipped donuts and prices = $zippedDonutsAndPrices")

println("\nStep 4: How to unzip the zipped donut sequence into separate donuts names and prices Sequences")
val unzipped: (Seq[String], Seq[Double]) = zippedDonutsAndPrices.unzip
println(s"Donut names unzipped = ${unzipped._1}")
println(s"Donut prices unzipped = ${unzipped._2}")

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts
Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Step 2: How to initialize a Sequence of donut prices
Elements of donut prices = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)
Step 3: How to zip the donuts Sequence with their corresponding prices
Zipped donuts and prices = List((Plain Donut,1.5), (Strawberry Donut,2), (Glazed Donut,2.5))
Step 4: How to unzip the zipped donut sequence into separate donuts names and prices Sequences
Donut names unzipped = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Donut prices unzipped = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)

def unzip3[A1, A2, A3](implicit asTriple: (A) ⇒ (A1, A2, A3)): (CC[A1], CC[A2], CC[A3])

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of Tuple33 elements")
val donuts: Seq[(String, Double, String)] = Seq(("Plain Donut",1.5,"Tasty"), ("Glazed Donut",2.0,"Very Tasty"), ("Strawberry Donut",2.5,"Very Tasty"))
println(s"Donuts tuple3 elements = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to call unzip3 function to unzip Tuple3 elements")
val unzipped: (Seq[String], Seq[Double], Seq[String]) = donuts.unzip3
println(s"Unzipped donut names = ${unzipped._1}")
println(s"Unzipped donut prices = ${unzipped._2}")
println(s"Unzipped donut taste = ${unzipped._3}")

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of Tuple3 elements
Donuts tuple3 elements = List((Plain Donut,1.5,Tasty), (Glazed Donut,2,Very Tasty), (Strawberry Donut,2.5,Very Tasty))
Step 2: How to call unzip3 function to unzip Tuple3 elements
Unzipped donut names = List(Plain Donut, Glazed Donut, Strawberry Donut)
Unzipped donut prices = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)
Unzipped donut taste = List(Tasty, Very Tasty, Very Tasty)

def view: TraversableView[A, Repr]

println("Step 1: How to create a large numeric range and take the first 10 odd numbers")
val largeOddNumberList: List[Int] = (1 to 1000000).filter(_ % 2 != 0).take(10).toList
println(s"\nStep 2: How to lazily create a large numeric range and take the first 10 odd numbers")
val lazyLargeOddNumberList = (1 to 1000000).view.filter(_ % 2 != 0).take(10).toList
println(s"Lazily take the first 100 odd numbers from lazyLargeOddNumberList = ${lazyLargeOddNumberList}")

Step 1: How to create a large numeric range and take the first 10 odd numbers
Step 2: How to lazily create a large numeric range and take the first 10 odd numbers
Lazily take the first 100 odd numbers from lazyLargeOddNumberList = List(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19)

def withFilter(p: (A) ⇒ Boolean): FilterMonadic[A, Repr]

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = List("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")
println("\nStep 2: How to filter elements using the withFilter function")
 .withFilter(_.charAt(0) == 'P')
 .foreach(donut => println(s"Donut starting with letter P = $donut"))

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts
Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Step 2: How to filter elements using the withFilter function
Donut starting with letter P = Plain Donut

def zip[B](that: GenIterable[B]): Iterable[(A, B)]

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")
println("\nStep 2: How to initialize a Sequence of donut prices")
val donutPrices: Seq[Double] = Seq(1.5, 2.0, 2.5)
println(s"Elements of donut prices = $donutPrices")

println("\nStep 3: How to use zip method to zip two collections")
val zippedDonutsAndPrices: Seq[(String, Double)] = donuts zip donutPrices
println(s"Zipped donuts and prices = $zippedDonutsAndPrices")
println("\nStep 4: How to use unzip method to un-merge a zipped collections")
val unzipped: (Seq[String], Seq[Double]) = zippedDonutsAndPrices.unzip
println(s"Donut names unzipped = ${unzipped._1}")
println(s"Donut prices unzipped = ${unzipped._2}")

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts
Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Step 2: How to initialize a Sequence of donut prices
Elements of donut prices = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)
Step 3: How to use zip method to zip two collections
Zipped donuts and prices = List((Plain Donut,1.5), (Strawberry Donut,2), (Glazed Donut,2.5))
Step 4: How to use unzip method to un-merge a zipped collections
Donut names unzipped = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Donut prices unzipped = List(1.5, 2, 2.5)

def zipWithIndex: Iterable[(A, Int)]

println("Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts")
val donuts: Seq[String] = Seq("Plain Donut", "Strawberry Donut", "Glazed Donut")
println(s"Elements of donuts = $donuts")

println("\nStep 2: How to zip the donuts Sequence with their corresponding index using zipWithIndex method")
val zippedDonutsWithIndex: Seq[(String, Int)] = donuts.zipWithIndex
zippedDonutsWithIndex.foreach{ donutWithIndex =>
 println(s"Donut element = ${donutWithIndex._1} is at index = ${donutWithIndex._2}")

Step 1: How to initialize a Sequence of donuts
Elements of donuts = List(Plain Donut, Strawberry Donut, Glazed Donut)
Step 2: How to zip the donuts Sequence with their corresponding index using zipWithIndex method
Donut element = Plain Donut is at index = 0
Donut element = Strawberry Donut is at index = 1
Donut element = Glazed Donut is at index = 2



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